1. in a higher position than something
above someone in a company/organization etc : ↑ POSITION/RANK (3)
see also
↑ UP
1. in a higher position than something
▷ above /əˈbʌv/ [preposition/adverb]
▪ There was a light above the table.
▪ Above his bed is a picture of two old men sitting on a park bench.
▪ During my last year of college, I lived in a little apartment above a grocery store.
directly above
▪ We looked up and saw a helicopter hovering directly above us.
the floor/apartment above
above where you are
▪ We could hear noises in the room above.
from above
seen from above
▪ The light came from above them and to their right.
above sea level
used when describing how high a place is
▪ Mexico City is 2400 metres above sea level.
▷ over /ˈəʊvəʳ/ [preposition/adverb]
directly above something or moving in the air above it :
▪ The sign over the door said ‘Employees Only’.
▪ A thick layer of smoke hung over the city.
▪ About 400 fans jumped over barricades and invaded the playing field.
▪ As the planes flew over, Selim could see the Russian markings on their wings.
▪ Riot police fired over the heads of the demonstrators.
▷ overhead /ˌəʊvəʳˈhed/ [adverb]
in the sky directly above your head :
▪ A flock of birds passed overhead.
▪ Suddenly, they heard the rumble of thunder overhead.
overhead /ˈəʊvəʳhed/ [adjective only before noun]
▪ Please put your luggage in the overhead compartment.
▷ up /ʌp/ [adverb]
up in/on/there etc
in a higher position than where you are :
▪ I found some old pictures of my mother up in the attic.
▪ Are you able to see up there or do you need a flashlight?
▷ upstairs /ˌʌpˈsteəʳz◂/ [adverb]
on a higher floor of a building, above where you are :
▪ The bathroom is upstairs on your left.
▪ Don’t you think the woman upstairs is kind of strange?
upstairs [adjective only before noun]
▪ The thieves got in through an upstairs window.
▷ overhang /ˌəʊvəʳˈhæŋ/ [intransitive/transitive verb]
if something such as a tree or a rock overhangs something, it sticks out over it :
▪ The bird was sitting on a branch overhanging the water.
▪ An ancient vine overhangs the terrace.
overhanging /ˈəʊvəʳhæŋɪŋ/ [adjective]
▪ Julian waited under an overhanging rock until the rain stopped.
▪ We rowed down the river beneath overhanging branches.