1. recently made or produced
2. recently bought, or not used before
3. food and drink that is new and still tastes good
4. instead of the one that you had before
5. new ideas or ways of doing things
6. something that has just been discovered
7. someone who has just started a new job, school etc
8. experiences and feelings that you have never had before
9. a new government/company/country
using the newest ideas, equipment etc : ↑ ADVANCED
see also
1. recently made or produced
▷ new /njuːǁnuː/ [adjective]
recently made, built, produced, or invented :
▪ They pulled down the movie theater and built a new health club on the site.
▪ the new issue of ‘Time’ magazine
▪ Porsche’s newest sports car will be unveiled at next week’s Motor Show.
brand new
completely new
▪ Apparently there’s going to be a brand new ‘James Bond’ movie out in the spring.
as good as new
▪ By the time we’d finished painting the boat, it looked as good as new.
▷ latest /ˈleɪtɪst, ˈleɪtəst/ [adjective]
the latest film/book/model/fashion etc
the film, book etc that has been produced or made most recently :
▪ Have you seen Spielberg’s latest movie?
▪ the latest fashions from the Paris catwalks
▷ be just out /biː ˌdʒʌst ˈaʊt/ [verb phrase]
if a book, record, or film is just out, it has only recently arrived in the shops, cinemas etc :
▪ REM’s new album is just out.
▷ recent /ˈriːs ə nt/ [adjective]
a recent film, book etc is one that was made or produced only a short time ago :
▪ The recent movie version of the book was not a big success.
▪ There will be an exhibition of his most recent work at the Tate Gallery, starting this Saturday.
▪ A recent study of Open University graduates found that students aged 60 - 65 had better results than any other age group.
▷ be hot off the press /biː ˌhɒt ɒf ðə ˈpresǁ-ˌhɑːt-/ [verb phrase]
if a book is hot off the press, it has only just become available to the public, so that anyone who has it is one of the first people to read it :
▪ People were queuing up for the new Harry Potter book to arrive - hot off the press.
2. recently bought, or not used before
▷ new /njuːǁnuː/ [adjective]
recently bought, or not used or owned by anyone before :
▪ New and second-hand books for sale.
▪ Do you like my new dress?
▪ That’s a nice jacket - is it new?
buy something new
▪ I’d like to get a video camera but I can’t afford to buy one new.
▷ brand new /ˌbrænd ˈnjuː◂ǁ-ˈnuː◂/ [adjective]
use this when you want to make it very clear that something has not been used or owned by anyone before :
▪ My brother’s just bought a brand new BMW.
▪ When did you buy this sofa? It looks completely brand new.
▷ fresh /freʃ/ [adjective usually before noun]
clean or new and not used before :
fresh sheet
▪ You’ll have to start again on a fresh sheet of paper.
fresh page
▪ Please start each new question on a fresh page.
fresh towel
▪ The service at the hotel was amazing. We even had fresh towels every morning.
fresh clothes
▪ I’m just going to have a shower and put on some fresh clothes.
3. food and drink that is new and still tastes good
▷ fresh /freʃ/ [adjective]
fresh food has been recently made, killed, or picked, and it still tastes good :
▪ Fresh fish tastes completely different to fish that has been frozen.
▪ Do you think this meat smells fresh?
fresh from the oven/sea/garden
▪ The restaurant claims that all the vegetables used in its recipes are picked fresh from the garden every day.
freshly [adverb]
▪ freshly baked bread
▷ okay/OK/all right /əʊˈkeɪ, ɔːl ˈraɪt/ [adjective not before noun] spoken
fresh enough to eat :
▪ I’m not sure that these eggs are still okay.
▪ The milk looked all right, but when I tasted it, it was horrible.
okay etc to eat/drink
▪ It’s been kept in the refrigerator, so it should still be okay to eat.
4. instead of the one that you had before
▷ new /njuːǁnuː/ [adjective only before noun]
your new job, home etc is the one you got most recently, and is different from the one you had before :
▪ Don’t forget to give me your new address.
▪ Have you met Keith’s new girlfriend?
▪ After the divorce, she went off to Canada to start a new life.
▷ another /əˈnʌðəʳ/ [determiner/pronoun]
if you want another job, another house etc, you want it instead of the one that you have now :
▪ After ten years with the same firm I decided it was time to look for another job.
▪ If you don’t like one doctor, you can ask to see another.
▷ replace /rɪˈpleɪs/ [transitive verb]
if you replace something that is old or damaged, you put a new one in its place to be used instead of it :
▪ I’ll have to replace my car soon - this one’s done 130,000 miles.
▪ The roof was in such bad condition that it needed to be completely replaced.
replace something with something
▪ They’re replacing the old windows with modern ones.
▷ fresh /freʃ/ [adjective only before noun]
new and recently made, added, brought etc in order to replace or add to the one before :
▪ Shall I make a fresh pot of coffee? This one’s cold.
▪ It’s surprising how a fresh coat of paint can improve the appearance of a room.
▪ The camp had almost run out of food when helicopters arrived with fresh supplies.
5. new ideas or ways of doing things
▷ new /njuːǁnuː/ [adjective]
new ideas or ways of doing things that did not exist before or had not been thought of before :
▪ Does anyone have any new ideas?
new ways/methods of doing something
▪ The hospital is doing a lot of research into new ways of treating asthma.
▪ It’s vital that we find new methods of producing and conserving energy.
▷ original /əˈrɪdʒɪn ə l, əˈrɪdʒən ə l, -dʒ ə nəl/ [adjective]
completely different from anything that has been thought of before :
original idea/design/style
▪ My job is to think up creative and original advertising ideas
completely original
▪ Woolf’s writing was completely original - nothing like it had ever been done before.
▪ a jazz musician with a completely original style
highly original
▪ I was impressed by the highly original design of the house.
▷ revolutionary /ˌrevəˈluːʃən ə riǁ-ʃəneri/ [adjective]
a revolutionary idea, method, or invention is completely different from anything that existed before, and is likely to bring important changes or improvements :
▪ Einstein’s revolutionary theories made people look at the universe in a completely new way.
▪ revolutionary technology for producing cheap, pollution-free energy
▪ The new treatment for cancer is considered revolutionary.
▷ innovative /ˈɪnəˌveɪtɪv/ [adjective]
an innovative design, idea, plan etc is new, different and better than those that existed before, and shows a lot of imagination :
▪ The city has introduced an innovative system of traffic control.
▪ When it was first introduced, the electric car was described as one of the ten most innovative products of the year.
highly innovative
▪ The idea for the programme ‘Big Brother’ was highly innovative.
▷ innovation /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃ ə n/ [countable noun]
something such as a new idea, method, or system that has never been thought of before, especially one that is better than previous ones :
▪ The kids-only Internet service is a great innovation which will help parents control their children’s access to the Internet.
technological innovations
▪ All the latest technological innovations of cinema were used to create the special effects.
communication/software etc innovations
▪ What exactly will the impact of all these communication innovations be?
▷ fresh /freʃ/ [adjective only before noun]
a fresh idea, approach etc is new and different from previous ones, and may help to deal with a problem :
▪ We need a fresh approach to this problem.
▪ The negotiations won’t make any progress unless one of the sides puts forward fresh proposals.
▪ Toy manufacturers are always on the lookout for fresh ideas.
▷ novel /ˈnɒv ə lǁˈnɑː-/ [adjective usually before noun]
a novel idea, method etc is new and interesting because it is unexpected and different from what has existed before :
▪ Scientists have come up with a novel way of catching fish.
▪ Tonight’s TV news will be presented in a novel format.
▪ I spent six months living in a monastery in northern India, which was a novel experience.
▷ novelty /ˈnɒv ə ltiǁˈnɑː-/ [countable noun]
something that is interesting because it is new and unusual, especially when this makes people think it is not very serious :
▪ Retail analysts say that electronic shopping remains a novelty for most people
it is a novelty for somebody to do something
▪ It was a novelty for people at college to see a student with two kids.
be something of a novelty
seem new and unusual
▪ Fast-food restaurants like McDonald’s are still something of a novelty in Moscow.
novelty [uncountable noun]
the quality that makes something interesting because it is new and unusual :
the novelty of something
▪ I was still enjoying the novelty of being married, and referring to Jenny as ‘my wife’.
the novelty wears off
it stops seeming new and unusual
▪ I loved driving to work at first, but the novelty soon wore off.
▷ pioneering /ˌpaɪəˈnɪ ə rɪŋ◂/ [adjective only before noun]
pioneering work, research, efforts etc introduce completely new ways of doing things, which are later followed and developed by other people :
▪ Moore’s pioneering work on semiconductors has made him perhaps the most famous figure in Silicon Valley.
▪ Pioneering research shows that the experiences of childhood help form the brain’s circuits for music and maths, language and emotion.
▷ be in its infancy /biː ɪn ɪts ˈɪnfənsi/ [verb phrase]
if a science or a new area of knowledge or study is in its infancy, people have just begun to find out more about it, to work with it etc :
▪ The science of cybernetics is still in its infancy.
▪ These rockets were built at a time when space technology was in its infancy.
6. something that has just been discovered
▷ new /njuːǁnuː/ [adjective usually before noun]
▪ Scientists have found a new oilfield off the coast of Norway.
▪ Her lawyers have come up with new evidence that may prove her innocence.
▪ Important new discoveries in the field of radiology may lead to a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.
▷ newly discovered /ˌnjuːli dɪˈskʌvəʳd◂ǁˌnuːli-/ [adjective phrase only before noun]
a newly discovered object, place, piece of information etc has been discovered very recently :
▪ The newly discovered planets around distant stars are similar to Jupiter in size.
▪ Howard was working on the translation of a newly discovered novel by Jules Verne.
▪ Newly discovered evidence showed that there had been a miscarriage of justice.
▷ fresh /freʃ/ [adjective usually before noun]
fresh evidence/information
evidence or information that is new and adds to or changes what is already known about the situation :
▪ Police say they are still hoping for fresh information about the missing girl.
▪ The judge told the court that the fresh evidence could be of considerable significance.
7. someone who has just started a new job, school etc
▷ new /njuːǁnuː/ [adjective]
someone who is new has only recently arrived in a place, started working in a particular job, or joined an organization :
▪ You’re new here, aren’t you?
▪ All new employees are given training.
new to
▪ Children who are new to the school may need extra help.
▪ We don’t expect you to work as fast as everyone else, while you’re still new to the job.
new recruit
▪ Our club membership is flourishing - we’ve had a huge number of new recruits this year.
▷ newcomer /ˈnjuːkʌməʳǁˈnuː-/ [countable noun]
someone who has only recently arrived in a place or only recently started a job, sport, or other activity :
▪ The inhabitants of these remote mountain villages tend to be very suspicious of newcomers.
▪ Our team will include some familiar faces as well as a few newcomers.
newcomer to
▪ Although she’s a newcomer to the sport, she’s already very successful.
comparative/relative newcomer
someone who has arrived or started doing something recently, compared to other people
▪ I was fifty and a comparative newcomer to computers.
▷ new arrival /ˌnjuː əˈraɪv ə lǁˌnuː-/ [countable noun]
someone who has just arrived in a place, especially in order to live or work there :
▪ Jim, this is our new arrival, Lyndsay. She’ll be taking over from Bob.
▪ 1200 new arrivals, including small children and babies, were left sitting on the pavement outside the embassy.
the new arrival
a newly-born baby
▪ Gwyn’s children, Craig and Laura, are thrilled with the new arrival.
▷ stranger /ˈstreɪndʒəʳ/ [countable noun]
someone who has just arrived in a place which they have never been to before, and which they do not know much about :
▪ The people I stayed with were very kind, so I didn’t feel like a stranger for long.
▪ Many of the farming families have lived here for hundreds of years, and tend to treat everyone else as strangers.
▷ fresh /freʃ/ [adjective]
someone who is fresh from a place of education has only just finished training and is not experienced when they arrive at a new job :
fresh from
▪ You can’t expect teachers fresh from college to deal with large classes of difficult children.
fresh out of
▪ We were under the command of a young lieutenant who was fresh out of officer training school.
▷ rookie /ˈrʊki/ [countable noun] American
someone who has just started doing a job or playing a professional sport, and has little experience :
▪ It was rookie coach, Ray Rhodes, who got the most credit for keeping the team in check.
▪ a rookie cop
▷ fresher British /freshman American /ˈfreʃəʳ, ˈfreʃmən/ [countable noun]
a student who has just started at a university or college :
▪ I was eighteen years old and a freshman at Harvard.
▪ a freshers’ party
▪ freshers’ week
▷ newbie /ˈnjuːbiǁˈnuː-/ [countable noun] informal
someone who is a new user of a technology, especially the Internet :
▪ The program is simple to use, even for newbies.
▷ new blood /ˌnjuː ˈblʌdǁˌnuː-/ [uncountable noun]
someone who starts a new job or joins an organization and is likely to make improvements, for example by introducing more modern ideas and methods :
▪ They seem to be expecting everyone over 50 to step aside and make way for new blood.
▪ After its membership halved in the past year, leaving mainly diehard right-wingers behind, the party now desperately needs new blood.
8. experiences and feelings that you have never had before
▷ new /njuːǁnuː/ [adjective]
▪ When I first left home, I enjoyed the new feeling of independence.
a whole new experience
▪ Living in the city was a whole new experience for Philip.
▷ newfound /ˈnjuːfaʊndǁˈnuː-/ [adjective only before noun]
newfound confidence, interest etc are feelings or qualities that you have gained very recently :
▪ Encouraged by their success, the rebel forces advanced with newfound confidence.
▪ She went back to her work full of newfound enthusiasm.
▪ When I retired, it took me a while to enjoy my newfound freedom.
9. a new government/company/country
▷ new /njuːǁnuː/ [adjective]
a new organization, government etc has only existed for a short time :
▪ Within weeks of the election, the new government announced big tax cuts.
▪ Thousands of new businesses are set up each year.
▪ one of Europe’s newest TV stations
▷ young /jʌŋ/ [adjective]
a young company or country is one which has not existed for very long and has not yet fully developed :
▪ Most banks are keen to loan money to promising young businesses.
▪ ‘Impact’ is a lively young company which specializes in public relations.
▪ As a country, Zimbabwe is still quite young.
▷ start-up /ˈstɑːʳt ʌp/ [adjective only before noun]
a start-up company is a new company that has recently been started, especially one that uses computers and the Internet :
▪ Several start-up Net companies saw their share prices rocket in the first few years, only to see them plunge as the recession hit.
start-up [countable noun]
a start-up company :
▪ There were 4000 start-ups in Silicon Valley in 1998.