[new] adj [ME, fr. OE niwe; akin to OHG niuwi new, L novus, Gk neos] (bef. 12c) 1: having existed or having been made but a short time: recent, modern
2. a (1): having been seen, used, or known for a short time: novel "rice was a ~ crop for the area" (2): unfamiliar "visit ~ places" b: being other than the former or old "a steady flow of ~ money"
3: having been in a relationship or condition but a short time "~ to the job"
4. a: beginning as the resumption or repetition of a previous act or thing "a ~ day" "the ~ edition" b: made or become fresh "awoke a ~ person"
5: different from one of the same category that has existed previously "~ realism"
6: of dissimilar origin and usu. of superior quality "introducing ~ blood"
7. cap: modern 3; esp: having been in use after medieval times -- new.ish adj -- new.ness n syn new, novel, original, fresh mean having recently come into existence or use. new may apply to what is freshly made and unused "new brick" or has not been known before "new designs" or not experienced before "starts the new job". novel applies to what is not only new but strange or unprecedented "a novel approach to the problem". original applies to what is the first of its kind to exist "a man without one original idea". fresh applies to what has not lost its qualities of newness such as liveliness, energy, brightness "fresh towels" "a fresh start".
[2]new adv (bef. 12c): newly, recently--usu. used in combination