Meaning of FROM in English



BAD : I have been living in England from last September.

GOOD : I have been living in England since last September.


Use from ... to ... when you mean 'from one time in the past to another': 'I lived in England from 1986 to 1989.'

Use since when you mean 'from a time in the past until now': 'I've been standing here since 9 o'clock and not one bus has come along.'


BAD : She asked if I'd seen any plays from Shakespeare.

GOOD : She asked if I'd seen any plays by Shakespeare.


a play, novel, painting, etc by a writer or artist (NOT from ): 'The reading passage was from a novel by Anita Brookner.'


BAD : It's a short, knee-length coat from white wool.

GOOD : It's a short, knee-length coat made of white wool.


See note at MADE (↑ made )


See NOW 1 (↑ now )

Longman Common Errors English vocabulary.      Английский словарь распространенных ошибок Longman.