Meaning of REAL-LIFE in English





It is that real-life drama that Singleton decided to explore and recreate on film.

Maxwell also has found fulfillment drawing the real-life dramas of the courtroom.

Central's cameras have also captured a good deal of real-life drama thanks to the Cook Report.

For a fascinated, starstruck neophyte, the convention scene was the stuff of real-life drama and suspense.


That was a real-life experience , not acted for a film.

For the next hour Manion kept the audience riveted with his insights, humor, and real-life experiences .


Even if the case is founded on a real-life situation , we only know what happened when the organization tried one solution.

The study tried to replicate real-life situations .

Simulations are a good way of getting children reading painlessly in a real-life situation .

The poem depicted a real-life situation and did so along a straight narrative line.

That is, a question involving calculation was deemed to be practical only if it involved a real-life situation .

This approach has limitations, because in many real-life situations a certain amount of novelty is present.

The issue of compatibility is difficult to abstract from real-life situations .

Over the next 16 pages, our five beautiful plans, taken from real-life situations will provide you with plenty of inspiration.


But the movie character and the real-life teacher do share a mutual dream of earning their livings as composers of music.

Even if the case is founded on a real-life situation, we only know what happened when the organization tried one solution.

Mark Little is Joe Mangle's alterego, the real-life actor who was doing comedy for nearly a decade before Neighbours.

Maxwell also has found fulfillment drawing the real-life dramas of the courtroom.

Now David Adams is a real-life victim.

The family dynamics of the characters are subtly enhanced by the real-life relationship of the actors.

The performances of each of the 700 real players are based on real-life skills and attributes.

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