Meaning of LAY (SOMETHING) DOWN in English

lay something ↔ down phrasal verb ( see also ↑ lay )

1 . OFFICIALLY STATE to officially state something or say that rules, principles etc must be obeyed:

He had already clearly laid down his view in his opening speech.

lay down that

The contract laid down that the work must be completed before 2025.

2 . WEAPONS if people lay down their weapons, they stop fighting:

The terrorists were urged to lay down their arms.

3 . lay down the law to tell other people what to do, how they should think etc, in a very strong or impolite way:

I could hear him laying down the law.

4 . lay down your life formal to die in order to help other people

lay down your life for

He was even prepared to lay down his life for his friends.

5 . KEEP to store something, especially wine, to use in the future

6 . RECORD to record your music, for example in a recording ↑ studio :

They are just about to start laying down tracks for their second album.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.