Meaning of CLOUD in English


Function: intransitive verb

Date: 1562

1 : to grow cloudy ― usually used with over or up < cloud ed over before the storm>

2 a of facial features : to become troubled, apprehensive, or distressed in appearance <her face cloud ed with worry> b : to become blurry, dubious, or ominous ― often used with over <the outlook is cloud ing over>

3 : to billow up in the form of a cloud

transitive verb

1 a : to envelop or hide with or as if with a cloud <smog cloud ed our view> b : to make opaque especially by condensation of moisture <steam cloud ed the windows> c : to make murky especially with smoke or mist <smoke cloud ed the sky>

2 : to make unclear or confused < cloud the issue>

3 : TAINT , SULLY <a cloud ed reputation>

4 : to cast gloom over < cloud prospects for success>

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.