[cloud] n, often attrib [ME, rock, cloud, fr. OE clud; perh. akin to Gk gloutos buttock] (14c) 1: a visible mass of particles of condensed vapor (as water or ice) suspended in the atmosphere of a planet (as the earth) or moon
2: something resembling or suggesting a cloud: as a: a light filmy, puffy, or billowy mass seeming to float in the air "a ~ of blond hair" "a ship under a ~ of sail" b (1): a usu. visible mass of minute particles suspended in the air or a gas (2): an aggregation of usu. obscuring matter esp. in interstellar space (3): an aggregate of charged particles (as electrons) c: a great crowd or multitude: swarm "~s of mosquitoes"
3: something that has a dark, lowering, or threatening aspect "~s of war" "a ~ of suspicion"
4: something that obscures or blemishes "a ~ of ambiguity"
5: a dark or opaque vein or spot (as in marble or a precious stone)
[2]cloud vi (1562) 1: to grow cloudy--usu. used with over or up "~ed over before the storm"
2. a of facial features: to become troubled, apprehensive, or distressed in appearance b: to become blurry, dubious, or ominous--often used with over
3: to billow up in the form of a cloud ~ vt 1 a: to envelop or hide with or as if with a cloud "smog ~ed our view" b: to make opaque esp. by condensation of moisture c: to make murky esp. with smoke or mist
2: to make unclear or confused "~ the issue"
3: taint, sully "a ~ed reputation"
4: to cast gloom over