Pronunciation: ' kül
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English col, from Old English c ō l; akin to Old High German kuoli cool, Old English ceald cold ― more at COLD
Date: before 12th century
1 : moderately cold : lacking in warmth
2 a : marked by steady dispassionate calmness and self-control <a cool and calculating administrator ― Current Biog. > b : lacking ardor or friendliness <a cool impersonal manner> c of jazz : marked by restrained emotion and the frequent use of counterpoint d : free from tensions or violence <meeting with minority groups in an attempt to keep the city cool >
3 ― used as an intensive <a cool million dollars>
4 : marked by deliberate effrontery or lack of due respect or discretion <a cool reply>
5 : facilitating or suggesting relief from heat <a cool dress>
6 a of a color : producing an impression of being cool specifically : of a hue in the range violet through blue to green b of a musical tone : relatively lacking in timbre or resonance
7 slang a : very good : EXCELLENT also : ALL RIGHT b : FASHIONABLE , HIP <not happy with the new shoes ⋯ because they were not cool ― Celestine Sibley>
– cool · ish \ ' kü-lish \ adjective
– cool · ly also cooly \ ' kü(l)-l ē \ adverb
– cool · ness \ ' kül-n ə s \ noun
synonyms COOL , COMPOSED , COLLECTED , UNRUFFLED , IMPERTURBABLE , NONCHALANT mean free from agitation or excitement. COOL may imply calmness, deliberateness, or dispassionateness <kept a cool head>. COMPOSED implies freedom from agitation as a result of self-discipline or a sedate disposition <the composed pianist gave a flawless concert>. COLLECTED implies a concentration of mind that eliminates distractions especially in moments of crisis <the nurse stayed calm and collected >. UNRUFFLED suggests apparent serenity and poise in the face of setbacks or in the midst of excitement <harried but unruffled >. IMPERTURBABLE implies coolness or assurance even under severe provocation <the speaker remained imperturbable despite the heckling>. NONCHALANT stresses an easy coolness of manner or casualness that suggests indifference or unconcern <a nonchalant driver>.