Function: noun
Date: 13th century
1 a : one that is similar : COUNTERPART , EQUAL <have ⋯ never seen the like before ― Sir Winston Churchill> b : KIND 4A ― usually used with a preceding possessive <put him and his like to some job ― J. R. R. Tolkien>
2 : one of many that are similar to each other ― used chiefly in proverbial expressions < like breeds like>
– and the like : ET CETERA
– the likes of also the like of
1 : such people as : such things as <reads the likes of Austen and Browning>
2 : such a one as and perhaps others similar to ― usually used with disparaging overtones <have no use for the likes of you>
3 : the kind or sort of <a fantastic celebration the likes of which had never been seen before ― Joseph Heller>