Function: adverb
Date: 14th century
1 archaic : EQUALLY
2 : LIKELY , PROBABLY <you'll try it, some day, like enough ― Mark Twain>
3 a : to some extent : RATHER , ALTOGETHER <saunter over nonchalantly like ― Walter Karig> b ― used interjectionally in informal speech often to emphasize a word or phrase (as in “ He was, like, gorgeous ” ) or for an apologetic, vague, or unassertive effect (as in “ I need to, like, borrow some money ” )
4 : NEARLY : APPROXIMATELY <the actual interest is more like 18 percent> ― used interjectionally in informal speech with expressions of measurement <it was, like , five feet longitude> <goes there every day, like >
– as like as not or like as not : PROBABLY