Function: noun
Date: 1597
1 a : a narrow break made by or as if by splitting b : an arrangement of bowling pins left standing with space for pins between them
2 : a piece split off or made thin by splitting
3 a : a division into or between divergent or antagonistic elements or forces <a cultural split > b : a faction formed in this way
4 a : the act or process of splitting (as the stock of a corporation) b : the act of lowering oneself to the floor or leaping into the air with legs extended at right angles to the trunk
5 : a product of division by or as if by splitting
6 : a wine bottle holding one quarter the usual amount or about .1875 liters (6 to 6.5 ounces) also : the quantity held by a split
7 : an ice cream sundae served over slices of fruit (as banana)
8 : the recorded time at or for a specific part of a race