Meaning of TAP in English


Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form: tapped ; tap · ping

Date: 15th century

1 : to let out or cause to flow by piercing or by drawing a plug from the containing vessel < tap wine from a cask>

2 a : to pierce so as to let out or draw off a fluid < tap maple trees> b : to draw out, from, or upon < tap new sources of revenue> <the story tap s powerful emotions>

3 : to cut in on (as a telephone or radio signal) to get information

4 : to form an internal screw thread in by means of a tap

5 : to get money from as a loan or gift

6 : to connect (a street gas or water main) with a local supply

– tap · per noun

– tap into : to make a strong or advantageous connection with <trying to tap into a new market>

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.