[tap] n [ME tappe, fr. OE taeppa; akin to OHG zapho tap] (bef. 12c) 1 a: a plug for a hole (as in a cask): spigot b: a device consisting of a spout and valve attached to the end of a pipe to control the flow of a fluid: faucet
2. a: a liquor drawn through a tap b: the procedure of removing fluid (as from a body cavity)
3: a tool for forming an internal screw thread
4: an intermediate point in an electric circuit where a connection may be made
5: wiretap -- on tap 1: ready to be drawn from a large container (as a cask or keg) "ale on tap"
2: broached or furnished with a tap
3: on hand: available "services instantly on tap --Hugh Dwan"
4: coming up "other matches on tap --H. W. Wind"
[2]tap vt tapped ; tap.ping (15c) 1: to let out or cause to flow by piercing or by drawing a plug from the containing vessel "~ wine from a cask"
2. a: to pierce so as to let out or draw off a fluid "~ maple trees" b: to draw out, from, or upon "~ new sources of revenue" 3 a: to cut in on (a telephone or telegraph wire) to get information b: to cut in (an electrical circuit) on another circuit
4: to form an internal screw thread in by means of a tap
5: to get money from as a loan or gift
6: to connect (a street gas or water main) with a local supply -- tap.per n -- tap into : to make a usu. advantageous connection with "clothing that ... taps into the currents of popular culture --John Duka" [3]tap vb tapped ; tap.ping [ME tappen, fr. MF taper to strike with the flat of the hand, of Gmc origin; akin to MHG tape paw, blow dealt with the paw] vt (13c) 1: to strike lightly esp. with a slight sound
2: to give a light blow with "~ a pencil on the table"
3: to bring about by repeated light blows "~ out a story on the typewriter"
4: to repair by putting a tap on
5: select, designate "was tapped for police commissioner"; specif: to elect to membership (as in a fraternity) ~ vi 1: to strike a light audible blow: rap
2: to walk with light audible steps
3: tap-dance -- tap.per n [4]tap n (14c) 1 a: a light usu. audible blow; also: its sound b: one of several usu. rapid drumbeats on a snare drum
2: half sole
3: a small metal plate for the sole or heel of a shoe
4: tap dance 1
5: flap