Meaning of NAME in English

[name] n [ME, fr. OE nama; akin to OHG namo name, L nomen, Gk onoma, onyma] (bef. 12c) 1 a: a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing b: a word or symbol used in logic to designate an entity

2: a descriptive often disparaging epithet "called him ~s" 3 a: reputation "gave the town a bad ~" b: an illustrious record: fame "made a ~ for himself in golf" c: a person or thing with a reputation

4: family, clan

5: appearance as opposed to reality "a friend in ~ only"

6: one referred to by a name "praise his holy ~" -- in the name of 1: by authority of "open in the name of the law"

2: for the reason of: using the excuse of "called for reforms in the name of progress"

[2]name vt named ; (bef. 12c) 1: to give a name to: call

2. a: to mention or identify by name b: to accuse by name

3: to nominate for office: appoint

4: to decide on: choose "~ the day for the wedding"

5: to mention explicitly: specify "unwilling to ~ a price" -- n [3]name adj (1598) 1: of, relating to, or bearing a name "~ tags"

2: appearing in the name of a literary or theatrical production 3 a: having an established reputation b: featuring celebrities

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