Synonyms and related words :
Friday, Friday the thirteenth, Old Mug, alveolation, alveolus, antrum, appointed lot, arch, armpit, astral influences, astrology, bail, barrow, basin, bays, beaker, blackjack, bleed, book of fate, boundary stone, bowl, brass, bucket, bust, cairn, cave, cave in, cavity, cenotaph, chalice, chaplet, civic crown, coffee cup, column, concave, concavity, constellation, crater, cromlech, cross, crown, crypt, cyclolith, decant, depression, destination, destiny, dies funestis, dip, dish, dish out, dish up, dolmen, doom, eggcup, end, fatality, fate, fold, follicle, footstone, foredoom, fork, fortune, funnel chest, future, garland, give a transfusion, glass, goblet, grave, gravestone, headstone, highball glass, hoarstone, hole, hollow, hollow out, hollow shell, horn, ides of March, incurve, inevitability, inscription, jigger, kismet, lacuna, ladle, laurel, laurels, leech, let blood, lot, loving cup, marker, mausoleum, megalith, memento, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, menhir, moira, monolith, monument, mound, mug, necrology, noggin, obelisk, obituary, palm, palms, perfuse, phlebotomize, pillar, pit, planets, plaque, pocket, pony, portion, pot, pour, prize, punch bowl, pyramid, reliquary, remembrance, retire, retreat, ribbon, rostral column, schooner, schooper, scoop, shaft, shell, shot glass, shovel, shrine, sink, sinus, socket, spade, spoon, stars, stein, stela, stone, stupa, tablet, tankard, tassie, teacup, testimonial, tomb, tombstone, tope, transfuse, trophy, trough, tumbler, unlucky day, vug, weird, wheel of fortune, will of Heaven, wineglass, wreath,