Meaning of RUNNING START in English

Synonyms and related words :

A, advantage, alpha, anticipation, beginning, beginnings, blast-off, bulge, coign of vantage, commencement, creation, cutting edge, dawn, drop, earliness, early hour, early stage, edge, establishment, first crack, first stage, flying start, foresight, foundation, fresh start, ground floor, head start, inside track, institution, jump, jump-off, kick-off, leading edge, new departure, odds, oncoming, onset, opening, origin, origination, outbreak, outset, prevenience, prevision, readiness, send-off, setting in motion, setting-up, something extra, something in reserve, square one, start, start-off, starting point, take-off, time to spare, upper hand, vantage, vantage ground, vantage point, very beginning, whip hand

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