Synonyms and related words :
Charybdis, Platonic form, Platonic idea, S-curve, a thing for, aberrancy, aberration, about ship, about-face, access, acciaccatura, accommodation, accomplished fact, accomplishment, achievement, act, act of grace, act of kindness, acta, action, activate, adapt, adaptation, addle, adjustment, adventure, advert to, aesthetic form, affinity, afterpiece, agiotage, aim, aim at, air, airing, alienate, all the time, alter, alteration, alternate, alternately, always, ambit, amble, ameliorate, amelioration, an ear for, an eye for, anamorphism, anamorphosis, anchor watch, angle, angle off, animus, apostasy, appeal to, appear, apply, apply to, appoggiatura, aptitude, aptness, arabesque, arbitrage, arc, arch, archetype, arise, arouse, arrive, arsis, art form, assail, assemble, asymmetry, at every turn, attack, attend, avert, axe, back and fill, backing, backsliding, bad turn, balk, bate, be changed, be contingent on, be converted into, be here again, be hostile to, be renewed, bear, bear away, bear off, bear to starboard, bearing, beat, beat about, beat back, beat it, become, bend, bend back, bend to, bending, benefaction, benefit, benevolence, benignity, bent, betray, betterment, bias, bit, blessing, block, blow, blunt, bolt, boon, bore, bottom out, bout, bow, bowing, box off, branch off, branching off, break, break back, bring about, bring out, bring over, bring round, bring to light, brow, buckle, buckle down, build, bump, business deal, buying in, by turns, cadence, cadenza, call off, campaign, cant, cant round, capacity for, capsize, carriage, cashier, cast, cast about, chance, change, change back, change course, change into, change of heart, change the bearing, change the heading, changeableness, character, chaser, check, checker, chop, chop and change, circle, circuit, circuitousness, circulate, circulation, circumrotate, circumvolute, circumvolution, climacteric, clutch, coil, coin, color, coloratura, come, come about, come across, come again, come and go, come around, come into, come round, come round again, come up, come up again, commercial transaction, complexion, conatus, concern, concoct, conduce, conduciveness, configuration, conflexure, conformation, consider, constantly, constitution, constitutional, construct, construction, constructive change, continuity, contort, contortion, contribute, convergence of events, conversion, convert, cool off, corkscrew, corner, countenance, coup, course, courtesy, crack, crank, create, crinkle, crisis, critical juncture, critical point, crook, crookedness, crop up, crossroads, crucial period, crumple, crunch, cry back, curdle, curl, curtain, curtain call, curtain raiser, curve, cut, cut and run, cycle, day shift, deactivate, deal, dealings, decay, declination, decline, decurve, deed, defection, deflect, deflection, defy, degenerate, degeneration, degenerative change, delight, deliver, demeanor, deny, depart, depart from, departure, depend, depend on, depress, derange, deteriorate, deterioration, determine, detorsion, detour, detract, develop, deviance, deviancy, deviate, deviation, device, deviousness, diastole, diathesis, difference, diffract, diffuse, dig up, digress, digression, direct, direction, directionize, disaffect, disclose, discompose, discontinue, discontinuity, discover, discursion, disedge, disenchant, disenchantment, disgust, disillusion, dismiss, disorder, disperse, displease, dispose, disposition, disproportion, disservice, distort, distortion, divagate, divagation, divaricate, divarication, diverge, divergence, diversification, diversify, diversion, diversity, divert, divertimento, divertissement, division, dizzy round, do a flip-flop, do an about-face, dogleg, dogwatch, doing, doings, dome, double, double a point, downbeat, draw the teeth, dress, drift, drifting, drive, drive back, dull, eagerness, ebb and flow, eccentricity, eddy, effort, eject, embellishment, embow, emergency, employ, endeavor, energize, enterprise, epilogue, equip, equity capital, errantry, eventuate, everywhere, evict, evolve, exchange, excite, excursion, excursus, exigency, exode, exodus, exorbitation, expedition, expel, exploit, expose, expository scene, express, extinguish, extremity, fabricate, face, facial appearance, faculty, fait accompli, fancy, fascination, fashion, favor, feat, feature, features, feeling for, felicity, fend off, fetch about, figuration, figure, finale, find, finger, fioritura, fire, fit, fit out, fitting, fix, fix on, flair, flection, flee, flex, flexure, flier, flight, flip-flop, flop, flounder, flourish, fluctuate, flutter, forced march, form, format, formation, formulate, frame, fright, full circle, full time, garb, geanticline, genius, genius for, genre, geosyncline, gest, gift for, gimmick, give back, give in, gnarl, go, go about, go around, go back, go bad, go into, go off, go round, go through phases, go to bed, go to sleep, good deed, good offices, good turn, grace, grace note, gradual change, grain, grand tour, graveyard shift, guise, gurge, gybe, gyrate, gyration, gyre, hairpin, hairpin turn, half time, hand, hand in, hand over, handiwork, hang, happen, hark back, harm, haul around, have a tendency, have recourse to, head, heave round, heel, hike, hinge, hinge on, hit upon, hoke act, hold a heading, hold on, hook, hump, hunch, idiosyncrasy, imbalance, impassion, impression, improperly, improve, improvement, imprudently, in rotation, in succession, in turn, inappropriately, incidental, incidental note, inclination, incline, incurvate, incurve, indirection, indiscreetly, individualism, inflect, inflection, inform on, injury, innate aptitude, inner form, inning, innings, interlude, intermezzo, intermission, intermit, interpretation, intort, introduction, inverse, invert, irregularity, jar, jaunt, jibe, job, jolt, journey, junket, keel over, kick out, kidney, kind deed, kind offices, kindly act, kindness, knack, knock over, knot, knuckle down, labor of love, lap, lapse, layout, lead, lean, leaning, level at, liability, liking, lineaments, lines, liquidation, lobster trick, long mordent, look to, looks, loop, lopsidedness, lurch, maelstrom, make, make over, make up, makeup, maneuver, manner, manufacture, march, matrix, meander, measure, meet, meliorate, melioration, mental set, merchandise, mercy, mettle, mien, mind, mind-set, miss stays, mitigate, mitigation, mitzvah, modality, mode, model, modification, modify, modulate, modulation, mold, mordent, moulder, move, mush, mutate, mutation, mutiny, mutual affinity, mutual attraction, nature, nauseate, negotiation, night shift, number, obligation, oblique, obliquity, obtund, occur, offend, offer, office, operation, opportunity, orbit, ornament, oscillate, oust, out of order, out of turn, outing, overt act, overthrow, overtime, overturn, oxbow, package deal, package tour, parade, parry, part time, partiality, pass, pass into, passage, pattern, penchant, pendulate, peregrination, pererration, performance, peripatetic journey, peripateticism, physiognomy, pick up, pilgrimage, pinch, pirouette, pitch in, pivot, pivot about, place, pleasure trip, plunge, ply, point, point at, point to, ponder over, pop up, port, posture, pralltriller, predilection, predisposition, preference, prejudice, presence, present, prevent, probability, proceeding, proclivity, produce, production, proffer, profit taking, progress, prologue, promenade, proneness, propensity, prototype, prove, pull, pulsate, pulse, push, put, put about, put back, put off, put out, put together, putrefy, qualification, quirk, radical change, ramble, rambling, rat race, re-creation, readiness, realignment, reappear, rebel, rebuff, recidivation, recidivism, reciprocally, reclamation, reconversion, recur, recurve, redesign, redound to, reel, refashion, refer to, reflect, reflection, reflex, reform, reformation, refract, refuse, regress, regression, rehabilitation, reinstatement, reject, relapse, relate to, relay, relief, remaking, remodel, renewal, reoccur, reorganize, repeat, repel, repress, repulse, res gestae, reshape, reshaping, resort to, restitution, restoration, restructuring, result, retire, retrocession, retroflex, retrogradation, retrogression, retroversion, retund, return, returning, reveal, reversal, reverse, reversion, revert, reverting, revival, revive, revivification, revolt, revolution, revolve, revulsion, rick, ride, rig out, right-about, ring the changes, roll, roll around, rot, rotate, rotation, roulade, round, round a bend, round a corner, round a point, round trade, round trip, rounds, routine, rub, rubberneck tour, run, run away, sack, safari, sag, sally, saunter, say, scallop, scalping, scare, scatter, scene, schlep, scoot, scram, screw, seesaw, seizure, sell, sensitivity to, sequentially, series, serpentine, serve, service, set, set in motion, set toward, set upon, shape, sheer, shift, shifting, shifting course, shifting path, shock, shoot, shot, show a tendency, show up, shtick, shuffle, sicken, sight on, significant form, single mordent, sinuosity, skedaddle, sketch, skew, skit, slant, slew, slink, slipping back, slue, snake, soft spot, song and dance, sour, speculation, spell, spin, spiral, split schedule, split shift, spoil, spot sale, sprain, spring, stagger, stalk, stamp, stance, stand, stand-up comedy act, start, start up, steer, step, stimulate, stint, stockjobbery, stockjobbing, stop, strain, strait, straying, streak, stretch, stripe, striptease, stroke, stroll, structure, stunt, style, submit, successively, sudden change, sunrise watch, surface, surge, surprise, surrender, susceptibility, swag, sway, sweep, swerve, swerving, swing, swing round, swing shift, swing the stern, swinging, swirl, switch, switch off, switch on, swivel, sympathy, systole, tack, take a turn, take off, take turns, take up, talent, teeter, teeter-totter, tell on, temper, temperament, tend, tend to go, tendency, tender, tenor, terminate, thesis, thing, thing done, thrill, throw about, throw out, thwart, time, time at bat, titillate, tone, torsion, tortuosity, total change, totter, tour, tour de force, tour of duty, train, train upon, traipse, traits, tramp, transaction, transform, transition, transplace, transpose, trek, trend, trick, trip, tropism, trudge, turn a corner, turn a pirouette, turn about, turn against, turn around, turn aside, turn away, turn awry, turn back, turn down, turn for, turn in, turn into, turn of mind, turn of work, turn off, turn on, turn out, turn over, turn round, turn tail, turn the corner, turn to, turn turtle, turn up, turn upon, turn upside down, turnabout, turning, turning point, twine, twirl, twist, twist and turn, type, unbalance, uncover, undergo a change, undertaking, undo, undulate, unearth, unhinge, unsettle, unsymmetry, upbeat, upheaval, upset, use, vacillate, variation, variety, vary, vault, veer, veer around, venture, venture capital, verge, vibrate, violent change, visage, volte-face, vortex, voyage, walk, walking tour, wamble, wandering, warp, watch, waver, wax and wane, way, weaken, weakness, wear, wear ship, weave, whack, wheel, wheel about, wheel around, whip, whirl, whirlpool, whirlwind, whorl, willingness, wind, withdraw, wobble, work, work shift, work toward, work up, works, worm, worsen, worsening, wrench, wrest, wring, writhe, wrong, yaw, yield, zigzag