n. 1 crucifix, rood In ancient times, it was common to execute certain criminals by nailing them to a cross 2 hybrid, cross-breed, mongrel; blend, combination This fruit is a cross between a plum and a pear
v. 3 cross off or out. strike out, erase, cancel, rub out, delete, wipe out After that remark, I'm crossing you off my list 4 meet, intersect, join The roads cross further on 5 cross over, go across, pass over, span, traverse The bridge crosses the river here
adj. 6 peevish, irritated, annoyed, piqued, irritable, testy, snappish, irascible, surly, choleric, splenetic, grouchy, huffish or huffy, pettish, cranky, grumpy, touchy, moody, fractious, vexed, curmudgeonly, petulant, waspish, querulous, cantankerous, crusty, short-tempered, on a short fuse, Colloq crotchety, Slang Brit shirty He's cross because he has a headache 7 annoyed, irritated, angry, irate, furious I was very cross that you took the car without permission