Meaning of HANDLE in English

n. 1 grip, hilt, handgrip, haft, helve Hold it by the handle, not the blade

v. 2 feel, touch, finger, hold; caress, fondle, pat Be careful how you handle that knife 3 manage, run, operate, direct, administer, supervise, oversee, control, command, guide At the age of 26, she was handling all foreign business for the company 4 steer, control, manage, cope with, manoeuvre, manipulate Are you sure he can handle that horse? 5 deal or trade or traffic in, (buy and) sell, market The gang was found to be handling stolen goods worth millions every month 6 treat, control, deal with, cope with She handled the customers with the utmost tact and respect 7 treat, employ, use, utilize; deal with, wield, tackle, manipulate: Don't you admire how she handled the perspective in this painting?

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