1) to assume, take a ~
2) an awkward, uncomfortable; comfortable ~
3) a kneeling; lotus; lying; prone; sitting; squatting; straddle; supine ~
4) the fetal, foetal ~
5) to assume, take a ~
6) a firm; radical; strong; untenable; weak ~
7) an official; unofficial ~
8) a ~ on (to take a ~ on foreign aid)
9) a ~ that + clause (they took the ~ that further resistance would be useless)
military site
10) to attack, storm a ~
11) to hold, maintain; occupy, take up; regain a ~
12) to give up, lose, surrender a ~
13) a defensive; dominant; enemy; fortified; impregnable; strong; unfortified; untenable, vulnerable, weak ~
14) a ~ of strength
15) from a ~ (to negotiate from a ~ of strength)
16) to occupy a ~
17) an embarrassing; ludicrous ~
18) a high, leading, prominent; unique ~ (to occupy a prominent ~)
19) in a ~ (she is in a ~ to know)
proper place
20) in ~ (the players were in ~)
21) out of ~
22) to apply for, look for, seek; find a ~
23) a permanent; temporary; tenured ~
24) a government; managerial; official; teaching ~