см. доставлять с помощью ; наиболее целесообразно гасить энергию с помощью ; проблема, решаемая с помощью ; сближение с помощью ручного управления ; совершать посадку с помощью ручного управления ; управляться с помощью ; энергопитание … осуществляется с помощью ; см. тж. с … помощью ; син. благодаря ; за счет ; посредством ; при помощи ; путем ; с использованием ; с применением ; через
With the help of modern communications you can visit us on board of our space home…
Helped by his friends the cosmonaut assumed the position which he had managed earlier to get into with so much effort…
With the aid of the control stick on the right-hand side the cosmonaut turned the spacecraft around the center of mass.
With the use of the on-board propulsion system it performed all manoeuvres required for a rendezvous and docking.
…the attainment of an essentially new level of… through the use of spacecraft.
Orientation of spacecraft with reference to fixed stars by the use of star sensors.
The manoeuvre is performed by means of on-board rocket engines.
The results of these observations are transmitted to the Earth by radio systems and TV systems…
Now the cosmonauts could contact each other not only through radio communication channels, but also by means of internal telephone lines.
Inside the orbital compartment the cosmonauts, helping each other and assisted by spacecraft commander Boris Volynov, put on their space suits.