Русско-английский перевод НАХОДИТЬСЯ В СООТВЕТСТВИИ С

см. тж. согласовываться с ; соответствовать

• The planet's image conforms to this prediction.

• These rules are consistent with our understanding of ...

• This finding is consistent with the theoretical model.

• It has been proved that the capacity, efficiency and strength of the boiler are as guaranteed by the manufacturer.

• The discovery was shown to be in accord ( or agreement ) with the general principles of ...

• The dimensions adopted are in accordance ( or compliance , or conformity ) with the latest recommendations of the IEC.

• This finding is in line ( or in keeping ) with that of other investigators.

• These facts are in line with the decrease in the heat of formation of ...

• The earth terminals were designed to be compatible with the satellite's characteristics.

• The observed radial temperature dispersion was found to fit ( or to correspond to ) Eq. (4.35).

• The procedure was in keeping with Kepler's hunch about the role of the Sun.

Циммерман М., Веденеева К.. Русско-Английский научно-технический словарь переводчика.      Russian-English scientific dictionary for translators.