Русско-английский перевод ПО СРАВНЕНИЮ С

см. тж. преимущество ~ ... в отношении

• The asteroid would then have a period of revolution of about six years as compared with ( or to ) Jupiter's period of twelve years.

• The hopper machine gives a substantial increase in loading rate as against the standard loader.

• These fuels are scarce ( as ) compared to ( or with ) coal.

• The first part outlines the distinctive characteristics of nuclear as opposed to conventional fuel.

• Compared to conventional enamels, low-temperature enamels have proper resistance to ...

• A reduction in width of the heads from standard can produce an increase in noise level.

• The variations are even smaller in ( or by ) comparison with ( or to ) ...

• Improvements on the original torches concern new types of heat elements.

• Roof bolts have several advantages over other methods of roof support.

• This is a very elaborate receiver greatly improved over ...

• Relative to chemical methods of analysis, chromatographic methods have many unique features.

• Even by comparison with a white dwarf a neutron star is tiny.

• The heat loss through the wall of the oven will be small in relation to the energy-delivery capability of the final control elements.

• When compared to the copper wire in a cable, the cellular core is a poor conductor.

• This volume is small when compared to the volume in cans.

Циммерман М., Веденеева К.. Русско-Английский научно-технический словарь переводчика.      Russian-English scientific dictionary for translators.