Англо-русский перевод FILE

1) папка(-регистратор), скоросшиватель || регистрировать; хранить документы в определённом порядке

2) дело; подшитые документы || подшивать

3) картотека, архив || составлять картотеку

4) картотечное устройство

5) вчт. файл || записывать (заносить) в файл

6) напильник; надфиль || обрабатывать напильником, затачивать напильником; опиливать

7) ряд

to file away — сдавать в архив;

to close a file — закрывать файл;

to establish a file — создавать файл;

to mark a file — размечать файл;

to open a file — открывать файл

file of piles — свайный ряд

- active file

- aircraft's file

- amendments file

- angular file

- arch file

- arm file

- backup file

- barrette file

- bastard file

- batch file

- blunt file

- boundary file

- broach file

- bubble-lattice file

- carousel file

- chained file

- change file

- circular file

- coarse file

- color-coded file

- command file

- compressor bar file

- contiguous file

- crossing file

- data file

- dead file

- destination file

- detail file

- differential file

- direct-access file

- direct file

- directory file

- disk file

- display file

- double-cut file

- double-faced file

- drawing file

- dustproof file

- expanding file

- external file

- father file

- fine cut file

- flat file

- float-cut file

- float file

- fork file

- hand file

- hierarchical file

- high-security file

- image file

- inactive file

- index file

- indexed file

- indirect file

- input file

- internal file

- inverted file

- journal file

- knife file

- lateral file

- lever arch file

- link file

- locked file

- logical file

- machine file

- magneto file

- main file

- many-reel file

- master file

- material file

- mechanical card file

- microfiche file

- microfilm file

- model file

- multireel file

- multivolume file

- object file

- open back file

- output file

- part file

- permalloy bar file

- pointed file

- printout file

- problem file

- program file

- random file

- rasping file

- rasp file

- register file

- relational file

- relative file

- remote file

- robot description file

- rotary file

- round file

- route file

- safeguarded file

- scratch file

- sequential file

- shareable file

- smooth file

- son file

- source file

- spool file

- suspens on file

- swapping file

- system data file

- tape reel file

- taper file

- temporary file

- text file

- threaded file

- tool file

- tooling file

- transaction file

- triangular file

- update file

- user authorization file

- vertical file

- virtual file

- visible file

- volatile file

- work file

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.