Англо-русский перевод FILE

1) картотека 2) подшивка 3) массив (данных), файл; формировать файл, организовывать файл; заносить в файл; хранить в файле 4) архив 5) фонд 6) кассета 7) досье, дело 8) подавать заявку 9) регистрировать и хранить документы в определенном порядке • - auxiliary file - backdated patent file - backlog file - bibliographical file - card file - cumulative file - current patent file - dead files - directory file - document file - duplicate file - entire file - file of abstracts - file of issued patents - file of periodicals and serials - hierarchical file - information system file - inverted file - microfilm file - national patent file - patent file - patent numerical file - search file - subsidiary file - to file a patent application - to file a petition - to file amendments to an application - to file amendments to claim - to file an action - to file an answer - to file numerically - to file opposition - to file simultaneously two inventions - union file - world backdated patent file

Глядков С.В.. English-Russian dictionary of patents and trademarks.      Англо-Русский словарь по патентам и товарным знакам.