Англо-русский перевод CONTROL

1. сущ. 1) управление, руководство 2) власть 3) надзор, контроль, проверка • - access control - accident control - acreage control - administrative control procedure - air pollution control equipment - Arms Control and Disarmament Agency - arms control - assume control over - be beyond control - be in control - be out of control - beyond control - birth control - bring under control - budgetary control - centralized control - commerce control list - continuous control - control account - control action - control agreement - control algorithm - control area - control authority - control board - control card - control check - control component - control criterion - control data - control device - control function - control law - control measure - control milestone - control object - control of access - control of overall performance - control of the quality of management - control over management - Control Person - control principle - control procedures - control program - control register - control response - control risk - control space - control stock - control strategy - control system - control transfer - control unit - cost control system - environmental control - establish control of smb - establish control of smth - establish control over smb - establish control over smth - exchange control - exercise control - export control - financial control - foreign exchange control - gain control of smb - gain control of smth - gain control over smb - gain control over smth - have complete control - internal control - layered control system - management control - monetary control - monopoly control - on-site control - on-the-spot control - pest control - place under control - popular control - prevention and control - process control - production control - progress control - public control - quality control - rent control - retain control of smb - retain control of smth - retain control over smb - retain control over smth - selective controls - stock control - trade controls - wage control 2. гл. 1) контролировать; регулировать 2) управлять 3) распоряжаться, сдерживать - control prices

English-Russian dictionary of economics.      Англо-Русский словарь по экономике.