■ noun
1》 the power to influence people's behaviour or the course of events.
↘the restriction of an activity, tendency, or phenomenon.
2》 a device by which a machine is regulated: the volume ~.
3》 a person or thing used as a standard of comparison for checking the results of a survey or experiment.
4》 a member of an intelligence organization who personally directs the activities of a spy.
5》 Bridge a high card that will prevent the opponents from establishing a particular suit.
■ verb ( ~s , ~ling , ~led )
1》 have ~ or command of.
2》 [as adjective ~led ] (of a drug) restricted by law in respect of use and possession.
3》 ( ~ for ) take into account (an extraneous factor that might affect the results of an experiment).
in ~ able to direct a situation, person, or activity.
out of ~ no longer able to be managed.
under ~ (of a danger or emergency) being dealt with or contained successfully.
~lability noun
~lable adjective
~lably adverb
~ler noun
~lership noun
ME (in the sense 'verify accounts'): from Anglo-Norman Fr. contreroller 'keep a copy of a roll of accounts', from med. L. contrarotulare , from contrarotulus 'copy of a roll', from contra- 'against' + rotulus 'a roll'.