сущ. 1) решение, заключение, приговор decision on the merits — решение по существу дела 2) решительность • - alter a decision - appeal a decision - appeal against a court decision - appeal against a decision - appeal from a decision of the court - appeal of a decision - arbitrary decision - arrive at a decision - asset allocation decision - board decision - come to a decision - comply with decision - court decision - day-to-day decision - decision making procedure - decision procedure - decision about cancellation - decision adopted - decision against smb. or smth. - decision algorithm - decision analysis - decision as to costs - decision as to principle - decision at issue - decision criteria - decision criterion - decision element - decision error - decision function - decision in favour of smb. or smth. - decision in principle - decision maker - decision making under certainty - decision making under risk - decision making under uncertainty - decision matrix - decision plan - decision problem under certainty - decision problem under risk - decision problem under uncertainty - decision process with discounting - decision region - decision result - decision space - decision structure - decision theory - decision tree - decision under claim - decision under risk - decision under uncertainty - decision-flow analysis - decision-maker - decision-making center - decision-making device - decision-making techniques - decision-making - decision-result - decisions resource levelling - decisions resource leveling - decision-tree model - fallacy of limited decisions - final decision - go-ahead decision - issue a decision - judicial decision - make a decision - make a decision - no-bid decision - policy decision - snap decision - split decision - take a decision - trade-off decision - yes-no decision Syn: action, determination, resolution, solution
Англо-русский перевод DECISION
English-Russian dictionary of economics. Англо-Русский словарь по экономике. 2001