I. di-ˈsi-zhən noun
Etymology: Middle English decisioun, from Middle French, from Latin decision-, decisio, from decidere to decide
Date: 15th century
a. : the act or process of deciding
b. : a determination arrived at after consideration : conclusion
make a decision
2. : a report of a conclusion
a 5-page decision
3. : promptness and firmness in deciding : determination
acting with decision
a. : win ; specifically : a victory in boxing decided on points
a unanimous decision
b. : a win or loss officially credited to a pitcher in baseball
has five wins in eight decision s
• de·ci·sion·al -ˈsi-zhnəl, -ˈsi-zhə-n ə l adjective
II. transitive verb
Date: 1943
: to win a decision over (a boxing opponent)