▪ big , crucial , fateful , important , key , landmark ( law ), major , momentous
It was a big ~ to make.
In a landmark ~, the court agreed to hear evidence from twenty years earlier.
▪ life-and-death , life-changing
Presidents must make momentous life-and-death ~s while in office.
▪ difficult , hard , tough
the difficult ~ of whether to go to college or nurse her sick mother
▪ easy
▪ firm
We need a firm ~ by Friday.
▪ prompt , snap , split-second
I had to make a snap ~ about what to do with the money.
▪ hasty , knee-jerk , rash
▪ last-minute
▪ final , irreversible , irrevocable
Tomorrow the board will meet to make their final ~.
The ~ is irreversible.
▪ informed
I need more facts before I can make an informed ~.
▪ arbitrary
▪ good , intelligent , prudent , rational , right , sensible , smart ( esp. AmE ), wise
▪ timely
▪ bad , poor , unwise , wrong
▪ unpopular
▪ controversial , questionable
▪ fateful
He died after making the fateful ~ to drive that evening.
▪ collective , joint , unanimous
In the end, the ~ to scrap the project was unanimous.
▪ majority , split
▪ court , government , etc.
▪ investment , policy , etc.
▪ clinical , ethical , political , tactical , etc.
▪ arrive at , come to , make , reach , take ( BrE )
Key ~s are always taken by the editor.
▪ face
She now faces the toughest ~ of her life.
▪ affect , drive , guide , impact ( AmE ), influence , shape , sway
I didn't want to influence his ~.
▪ announce , give (sb) , issue
The committee will give us their ~ tomorrow.
▪ abide by
The ~ has been made, and we must all abide by it.
▪ respect
Her parents respected her ~ not to marry.
▪ affirm , uphold
The management committee upheld her ~ to fire two of her staff.
▪ implement
Failure to implement the ~ would be a great shame.
▪ reconsider , rethink , review , revisit ( esp. AmE )
▪ defend , explain , justify
She defended her ~ not to give him the job.
▪ regret
▪ appeal ( AmE ), appeal against ( BrE ), challenge , oppose , protest ( AmE ), protest against
plans to challenge this ~ in the High Court
▪ criticize
▪ question
▪ applaud , praise , support
▪ override , overrule , overturn , quash , reverse
Nobody has the authority to overrule his ~.
▪ await
▪ defer , delay , postpone
▪ process
The most persuasive talker often dominates the ~ process.
▪ time
It's ~ time, and deciding is difficult.
▪ ~ about , ~ on
a ~ on her future