Meaning of COOL in English

n. Function: adjective


Synonyms: COLD 1, arctic, chill, chilly, freezing, frigid, frore, frosty, gelid, nippy

Antonyms: warm

2 freed or giving the impression of freedom from all agitation or excitement FF1C; they looked cool and very formidable FF1E;

Synonyms: collected, composed, disimpassioned, imperturbable, nonchalant, unflappable, unruffled; ; compare HAPPY-GO-LUCKY

Related Words: calm, placid, serene, tranquil; aloof, detached, indifferent; impassive, phlegmatic, stolid; assured, confident, self-possessed

Contrasted Words: fervent, fervid, impassioned, passionate, perfervid; discomposed, disturbed, flurried, flustered, perturbed, upset

Antonyms: ardent; agitated


Synonyms: UNSOCIABLE , aloof, distant, offish, reserved, solitary, standoffish, unapproachable, uncompanionable, withdrawn

|| 4

Synonyms: MARVELOUS 2, ||dandy, divine, glorious, groovy, hunky-dory, ||keen, nifty, sensational, swell

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.