Meaning of OVER in English


Function: preposition

1 at a higher level FF1C; clouds hung over the town FF1E;

Synonyms: above, o'er

Antonyms: under


Synonyms: ACROSS , athwart, cross

3 with respect to FF1C; children squabbling over toys FF1E;

Synonyms: about, on, upon, with

4 so as to make contact with FF1C; hit him over the head FF1E;

Synonyms: on, upon


Synonyms: DURING , amid, mid, midst, throughout

6 as the result of FF1C; quarreled over money matters FF1E;

Synonyms: because of, due to, owing to, through

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.