n. Function: noun
Synonyms: NOTICE 1, attention, cognizance, heed, mark, ||mind, note, observance, observation, remark
Synonyms: CONSIDERATION 3, concern, considerateness, solicitude
Antonyms: disregard
Synonyms: INTEREST 3, concern, curiosity, interestedness
4 a feeling of deferential approval and liking FF1C; held in high regard by his neighbors FF1E;
Synonyms: account, admiration, consideration, esteem, estimation, favor, respect
Related Words: deference, homage, honor, reverence; appreciation, cherishing, prizing, valuing; approbation, approval, satisfaction
Contrasted Words: deprecation, disapproval; disfavor, disgust, dislike, distaste; contempt, disdain, scorn; detestation, hate, hatred
Antonyms: despite
Synonyms: CARE 4, carefulness, concern, consciousness, heed, heedfulness