v. & n.
v.tr. 1 introduce, offer, or exhibit, esp. for public attention or consideration. 2 a (with a thing as object, foll. by to) offer or give as a gift (to a person), esp. formally or ceremonially. b (with a person as object, foll. by with) make available to; cause to have (presented them with a new car; that presents us with a problem). 3 a (of a company, producer, etc.) put (a form of entertainment) before the public. b (of a performer, compère, etc.) introduce or put before an audience . 4 introduce (a person) formally (may I present my fiancé?; was presented at court). 5 offer, give (compliments etc.) (may I present my card; present my regards to your family). 6 a (of a circumstance) reveal (some quality etc.) (this presents some difficulty). b exhibit (an appearance etc.) (presented a rough exterior). 7 (of an idea etc.) offer or suggest itself. 8 deliver (a cheque, bill, etc.) for acceptance or payment. 9 a (usu. foll. by at) aim (a weapon). b hold out (a weapon) in a position for aiming. 10 (refl. or absol.) Med. (of a patient or illness etc.) come forward for or undergo initial medical examination. 11 (absol.) Med. (of a part of a foetus) be directed toward the cervix at the time of delivery. 12 (foll. by to) Law bring formally under notice, submit (an offence, complaint, etc.). 13 (foll. by to) Eccl. recommend (a clergyman) to a bishop for institution to a benefice.
n. the position of presenting arms in salute. present arms hold a rifle etc. vertically in front of the body as a salute. present oneself 1 appear. 2 come forward for examination etc. presenter n. (in sense 3 of v.).
[ ME f. OF presenter f. L praesentare (as PRESENT(1)) ]