Meaning of AFTER in English


1. after a particular time or event

2. after a particular period of time has passed

3. starting to happen after now or after a particular time

4. coming after someone or something else

5. to happen after something else

6. the person who does a particular job after someone else

7. a book, film etc that comes after an earlier one

8. after someone or something in a list, series, line of people etc

9. to be the next person or thing after another in a list, series etc




immediately after something : ↑ IMMEDIATELY (2)

one after another : ↑ SERIES

see also




1. after a particular time or event

▷ after /ˈɑːftəʳǁˈæf-/ [preposition/adverb/conjunction]

after something happens or after someone does something :

▪ We went for a walk after lunch.

▪ Gingrich won election to the House in 1978, after Flynt retired.

▪ What did you do after leaving school?

an hour/two days/a year etc after

▪ My father died two days after I was born.

soon after/not long after

▪ He joined the army in 1914, and soon after was promoted to the rank of captain.

right after also straight after

British immediately after

▪ Paul rushed home right after school.

just after

▪ My sister and her husband moved west just after their wedding.

after that

▪ The Pirates jumped to a 22-2 lead, and Georgetown never got closer than 16 points after that.

▪ It was terrible: first the gearbox seized and after that the radiator burst.

▷ afterwards also afterward American /ˈɑːftəʳwəʳd z ǁˈæf-/ [adverb]

after an event or a time that you have just mentioned :

▪ The operation was rather painful, but I felt a lot better afterwards.

▪ Afterward, Nick said he’d never been so nervous in his life.

two years/three months etc afterwards

▪ A couple of years afterwards I bumped into her in a supermarket.

soon/shortly afterwards

▪ His wife fell ill in June and died soon afterwards.

▷ next /nekst/ [adverb]

after something happens or after someone does something -- use this when you are describing a series of events in the order they happened :

▪ Can you remember what happened next?

▪ First, chop up two large onions. Next, fry them until they are golden brown.

▷ later /ˈleɪtəʳ/ [adverb]

some time after now or after the time you are talking about :

▪ I’ll tell you about it later when I’m not so busy.

▪ Ronald Reagan joined the Republican Party in 1962 and later became Governor of California.

three months/two years/ten days etc later

▪ A couple of days later I saw her in a downtown bar.

later on

▪ The first part of the film is really boring but it gets better later on.

much later

a long time later

▪ I found out much later that some of the children I taught had become teachers themselves.

later that day/month/year etc

▪ Later that month we got another letter from them asking for more money.

▷ then /ðen/ [adverb]

after you have done something -- use this when you are describing a series of things you did, or when you are giving instructions :

▪ First we played tennis, and then we went swimming.

▪ Add a cup of sugar. Then beat in three eggs.

▷ subsequently /ˈsʌbsɪkwəntli, ˈsʌbsəkwəntli/ [adverb] formal

after an event was finished in the past :

▪ The book was published in 1954 and was subsequently translated into fifteen languages.

▪ The six men were subsequently acquitted of all charges, but only after they had served 17 years in prison.

2. after a particular period of time has passed

▷ after /ˈɑːftəʳǁˈæf-/ [preposition]

after a week/several hours/a long time/a while etc

after a period of time has passed :

▪ After half an hour we got tired of waiting and went home.

▪ At first I was very nervous, but after a while I began to feel more confident.

after a week/a year etc of (doing) something

▪ The war ended after another six months of fighting.

▷ within /wɪðˈɪnǁwɪðˈɪn, wɪθˈɪn/ [preposition]

within a month/two weeks/a year etc

less than a month etc after something happens, especially when this is an unusually short time :

▪ He was bitten by a snake. Within three hours he was dead.

▪ The fire alarm went off and within minutes the building had been cleared.

within a month/a few days etc of doing something

▪ Within six years of joining the company he was Managing Director.

within a short period/space British of time

surprisingly quickly

▪ Within a short space of time, Gerry had managed to offend everyone in the group.

▷ in /ɪn/ [preposition]

in a minute/a few hours/a month etc

a minute, a few hours after the present time :

▪ She’ll be here in a few minutes.

▪ I’ll see you again in a day or two.

in an hour’s time/a few minutes’ etc time

▪ In a few weeks’ time I’ll be off to university.

▷ from now /frəm ˈnaʊ/ [adverb]

24 hours/a week/six months/100 years from now

at a future time 24 hours, six months etc from now :

▪ A week from now we will be in Paris.

▪ What do you think you’ll be doing six months from now?

▪ Four hundred years from now people will still be listening to Mozart .

3. starting to happen after now or after a particular time

▷ from now on also from here on (out) American /frəm ˌnaʊ ˈɒn,frəm ˌhɪər ɒn ˈaʊt/ [adverb]

use this to talk about a new arrangement that is going to start now and then continue in the future :

▪ You’ll be working with me from now on.

▪ From here on out I’ll come to every meeting, I promise.

▪ From now on Neil is responsible for publicity and marketing.

▷ from/as from/as of/starting /frəm, ˈæz frəm, ˈæz əv, ˈstɑːʳtɪŋ/ [preposition]

from tomorrow/next week etc

use this to say that a new rule or arrangement will start at a particular time and will continue from then :

▪ As of the first of July, all back seat passengers must wear seat belts.

▪ The new timetable will come into effect from January 2003.

▪ Starting today Miss Carey will be in charge of the Sales Department.

▷ after /ˈɑːftəʳǁˈæf-/ [preposition]

after a particular time or date :

▪ I’m busy right now. Could you come back sometime after 4 o'clock?

▪ After 1800, more and more people worked in factories.

just after

a short time after

▪ If they left just after twelve, they should be here soon.

▷ after that /ˌɑːftəʳ ˈðætǁˌæf-/ [adverb]

used when a situation starts to exist after something happens, especially if the situation is caused by what has happened :

▪ He found out that I had lied to him, and after that he never trusted me again.

▪ The company started a big new advertising campaign, and business really improved after that.

▪ I’m going to help you for the first two weeks, but after that you’ll be working on your own.

▷ from then on /frəm ˌðen ˈɒn/ [adverb]

use this to talk about something that starts to happen at a time in the past or future, and continues from that time :

▪ The latest sunrise of the winter is Friday; from then on, the dark winter mornings get brighter earlier .

▪ He went to his first football game when he was four, and from then on he was crazy about it.

▷ thereafter /ðe ə rˈɑːftəʳǁ-ˈæf-/ [adverb] formal

after that - used especially in written instructions, rules, or agreements :

▪ The plants should be watered every day for the first week and twice a week thereafter.

▪ On retirement each employee will receive a lump sum of £10,000 and a regular annual pension thereafter.

▷ past also gone British /pɑːstǁpæst, gɒnǁgɔːn/ [preposition]

past 3 o'clock/midnight etc

use this when someone is late for something, or when something happens at a later time than it should happen or usually happens :

▪ When we got home it was gone midnight.

▪ We have to get you home. It’s past your bedtime.

4. coming after someone or something else

▷ next /nekst/ [adjective only before noun]

the next person, thing, or time comes just after the one you have just been talking about, or just after the most recent one :

▪ Who was the next president of the United States after Ronald Reagan?

▪ When’s the next flight to Miami?

the next day/week/month/year

▪ I finished my classes on the 5th, and the next day I went home to Cleveland.

next Thursday/week/August etc

the one after this Thursday, this week, this August etc

▪ Next week I’m going on a training course in Seaford.

▷ after /ˈɑːftəʳǁˈæf-/ [adverb/preposition]

the day after/the Saturday after/the week after etc

the day etc that comes after the time or event that you are talking about :

▪ Helen arrived on July 20th and I arrived the week after.

▪ The party’s not this Thursday but the Thursday after.

▪ The weather changed the morning after we arrived.

▪ I felt rather tired the day after the party.

the one after

the next one

▪ If we miss the ten o'clock train we’ll just have to catch the one after.

▷ following /ˈfɒləʊɪŋǁˈfɑː-/ [adjective only before noun]

the following day/month/year etc

the next day, month etc -- use this when you are describing something that happened in the past :

▪ The following day she woke up with a splitting headache.

▪ They agreed to meet the following week in the Cafe Rouge.

▷ later /ˈleɪtəʳ/ [adjective only before noun]

happening some time later, not immediately afterwards :

a later date/time/stage etc

▪ We can sort out the final details at a later stage.

in later years/months/centuries etc

▪ In later centuries Venice lost its former importance and began to go into decline.

▷ subsequent /ˈsʌbsɪkwənt, ˈsʌbsəkwənt/ [adjective only before noun] formal

coming after something you have just mentioned - used especially before plural nouns :

▪ These skills were then handed down to subsequent generations of craftsmen.

▪ Many of Marx’s theories were disproved by subsequent events.

▪ The first meeting will be in the City Hall, but all subsequent meetings will be held in the school.

▷ succeeding /səkˈsiːdɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun]

succeeding weeks/months/years/generations etc

in every week, month, year etc that comes after something :

▪ The government started to borrow money in 1961, and the national debt has steadily increased with each succeeding year.

▪ The effects of exposure to atomic radiation at Hiroshima have been passed on to succeeding generations.

▷ ensuing /ɪnˈsjuːɪŋǁ-ˈsuː-/ [adjective only before noun] formal

the ensuing battle/fight/confusion/panic/days/months etc

the battle etc that happens immediately after the events or period of time that you have just mentioned :

▪ Someone shouted ‘Fire!’ and in the ensuing panic several people were injured.

▪ They met each other several times over the ensuing six months.

▷ follow-up /ˈfɒləʊ ʌpǁˈfɑː-/ [adjective only before noun]

follow-up meeting/visit/interview/treatment etc

something that is done after something else in order to check it or make sure that it is successful :

▪ Once you have installed solar heating you will receive regular follow-up visits from our experts.

▪ After each training programme everyone has a follow-up interview with their manager.

▷ future /ˈfjuːtʃəʳ/ [adjective only before noun]

future generations/years/events/work/employees etc

the people, years etc that will come in the future :

▪ It is our duty to preserve our culture for future generations.

▪ In future years some of you will regret the decision you have made today.

▪ The company is building apartment buildings for future employees.

5. to happen after something else

▷ follow /ˈfɒləʊǁˈfɑː-/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive] especially written

if an event or period follows another event or period, it happens after it :

▪ We saw each other a lot in the months that followed.

▪ the long period of stability that followed the war

be followed by something

▪ The wedding was followed by a big party at the Chelsea Hotel.

▪ Suddenly there was a shout from above, immediately followed by a loud bang.

be closely followed by something

be followed very soon by

▪ China’s first nuclear test in October 1964 was closely followed by a second in May 1965.

there followed/follows

after that there was

▪ There then followed a long and painful silence.

▷ come after /ˌkʌm ˈɑːftəʳǁ-ˈæf-/ [transitive phrasal verb]

to happen after something else and often as a result of something else :

come after something

▪ The agreement came after six months of negotiations.

▪ The Napoleonic Wars came after the French Revolution.

come three weeks/five days etc after something

▪ My first chance to talk to her came three days after our quarrel.

come after

▪ The New Stone Age lasted about 1200 years in Britain. The period which came after is known as the Bronze Age.

▷ ensue /ɪnˈsjuːǁɪnˈsuː/ [intransitive verb] formal

if something such as an argument or a fight ensues, it happens after something else, often as a result of it :

▪ I objected to what he had just said and a heated argument then ensued.

▪ The police were called in to quell the riot that ensued.

▷ on the heels of something /ɒn ðə ˈhiːlz əv something/ especially American

if something comes on the heels of something else, it happens very soon after it -- used especially in news reports :

come on the heels of something

▪ The news comes on the heels of the FBI’s announcement that last week’s crash was caused by mechanical failure.

hot/hard on the heels of something

British immediately after something

▪ Tuesday’s victory came hard on the heels of last week’s shock defeat by Manchester United.

▷ in the wake of something /ɪn ðə ˈweɪk əv something/

if something, especially something bad, happens in the wake of an event, it happens after it and usually as a result of it :

▪ In the wake of Thailand’s economic troubles, Malaysia’s currency also sank.

6. the person who does a particular job after someone else

▷ successor /səkˈsesəʳ/ [countable noun]

someone who takes a position previously held by someone else :

somebody’s successor

▪ In January 1947, Secretary of State Byrnes resigned; his successor was General Marshall.

▪ Two weeks after the death of Pope John Paul, the cardinals met to elect his successor.

successor to

▪ Many people regard him as a likely successor to the current managing director.

▷ succeed /səkˈsiːd/ [intransitive/transitive verb]

to be the next person to take an important position or rank after someone else :

▪ Eisenhower was succeeded by John F. Kennedy.

succeed to the throne/the presidency/the championship etc

become the next king, president etc

▪ Louis XIII succeeded to the throne when he was only nine years old.

succeed somebody as King/President/Secretary General etc

▪ Bailey will succeed Fuller as Director of Operations.

▷ next in line /ˌnekst ɪn ˈlaɪn/ [adjective phrase]

the person who will be the next leader, when the present one dies, or the person who is most likely to be chosen for an important job, when the present person leaves :

▪ Who is next in line when the current leader of North Korea dies?

next in line for

▪ Tom’s next in line for the boss’s job.

next in line to the throne

next in line to become king or queen

▪ Edward VIII was succeeded by his younger brother, who was next in line to the throne.

▷ the next /ðə ˈnekst/ [noun phrase]

the next leader, queen, president etc is the one that gets that position after someone else :

▪ Who do you think will be the next prime minister?

▪ The next boss was better than the old one.

7. a book, film etc that comes after an earlier one

▷ sequel /ˈsiːkwəl/ [countable noun]

a book, play or film that continues the story of an earlier book, play or film, usually by the same writer, film-maker etc :

▪ ‘Batman 2’ was a rare example of a sequel being better than the original.

▪ After the unexpected success of his first film, Rodriguez is making plans for a sequel.

sequel to

▪ the sequel to ‘Gone with the Wind’

8. after someone or something in a list, series, line of people etc

▷ after /ˈɑːftəʳǁˈæf-/ [preposition]

▪ My name is after yours on the list.

▪ You’ll find a reference number after each item in the catalogue.

▪ There were several people after me who didn’t manage to get into the game.

▷ next /nekst/ [adjective/adverb]

the next person or thing is the one that comes just after the present one :

▪ Could you ask the next patient to come in, please?

▪ Look at the diagram on the next page.

▪ Turn left at the next traffic light.

▷ later /ˈleɪtəʳ/ [adjective only before noun]

in a part of a book, speech that comes later :

▪ This topic will be discussed more fully in a later chapter.

9. to be the next person or thing after another in a list, series etc

▷ be/come after /ˌbiː, ˌkʌm ˈɑːftəʳǁ-ˈæf-/ [verb phrase not in progressive or passive]

▪ My name should be after yours if the list is alphabetical.

▪ In British and American addresses, the name of the town always comes after the name of the street.

▪ The first line of the poem is ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’. What comes after that?

▷ be/come next /ˌbiː, ˌkʌm ˈnekst/ [verb phrase]

to be the next person or thing in a list, series, line of people etc :

▪ This book’s called ‘The Third Dimension’. Which book comes next in the series?

▪ The nurse came out of her office and called out, ‘Who’s next?’

next comes something


▪ The first three sections of the course are just an introduction. Next comes the difficult bit.

▷ follow /ˈfɒləʊǁˈfɑː-/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive]

to come after something in a book, series, or list :

▪ Taylor explains his theory in the pages that follow.

be followed by something

▪ In English the letter Q is always followed by a U.

▪ Each chapter is followed by a set of exercises.

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