1. to sweat
2. the liquid that appears on your skin when you sweat
3. covered in sweat
see also
1. to sweat
▷ sweat /swet/ [intransitive/transitive verb]
when you sweat your skin becomes wet, because you are hot, nervous, ill etc :
▪ You’re sweating. Why don’t you take your jacket off?
▪ The heat from the lights was making her sweat and her make-up started to run.
sweat profusely
sweat a lot
▪ Sweating profusely and gripping the lectern, Anderson began his speech.
sweat like a pig/sweat buckets
spoken sweat a lot
▪ My God, it’s hot in here - I’m sweating like a pig!
▪ It was tough work. Within minutes we were all sweating buckets.
▷ perspire /pəʳˈspaɪəʳ/ [intransitive verb] formal
to sweat :
▪ She felt hot and awkward and started to perspire.
▪ He was perspiring. It showed on his forehead.
perspire freely/profusely
perspire a lot
▪ James, who was perspiring profusely, took out a handkerchief and mopped his brow.
▷ break out in a sweat/break into a sweat /ˌbreɪk aʊt ɪn ə ˈswet, ˌbreɪk ɪntʊ ə ˈswet/ [verb phrase]
to start sweating, especially because you are nervous or afraid :
▪ I was terrified. My hands were shaking, and I broke out in a sweat.
▪ ‘It’s got nothing to do with me,’ she said, breaking into a sweat.
break out in a cold sweat/break into a cold sweat
▪ As the security guard approached, I broke into a cold sweat.
▷ be pouring/dripping with sweat /biː ˌpɔːrɪŋ, ˌdrɪpɪŋ wɪð ˈswet/ [verb phrase]
to be sweating a lot :
▪ What on earth have you been doing? You’re dripping with sweat!
▪ Melissa was pouring with sweat, and her hair was stuck to her face.
2. the liquid that appears on your skin when you sweat
▷ sweat /swet/ [uncountable noun]
▪ He stopped working for a moment to wipe the sweat off his face.
▪ I got sweat in my eyes and couldn’t see.
beads of sweat
drops of sweat
▪ Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead and she trembled visibly.
▷ perspiration /ˌpɜːʳspəˈreɪʃ ə n/ [uncountable noun] formal
sweat :
▪ a deodorant that protects against perspiration all day long
▪ To keep your body cool, wear cotton clothing that absorbs perspiration.
beads of perspiration
drops of perspiration
▪ Beads of perspiration trickled down my back.
3. covered in sweat
▷ sweaty /ˈsweti/ [adjective]
▪ I’m all hot and sweaty. I think I’ll take a shower.
▪ He was a short fat guy with big sweaty hands.
▪ The equipment manager collected the sweaty uniforms and took them down to the hotel laundry.
▷ be covered/drenched/soaked in sweat also be covered/drenched/soaked with sweat /biː ˌkʌvəʳd, ˌdrentʃt, ˌsəʊkt ɪn, ˈswet, -wɪð ˈswet/ [verb phrase]
to be very wet because you have been sweating a lot :
▪ Ian came off the squash court covered in sweat.
▪ I insist my car’s have air conditioning - I hate arriving somewhere drenched with sweat.