Meaning of SYSTEM in English


1. a system


see also

↑ WAY (1-6)





1. a system

▷ system /ˈsɪstɪm, ˈsɪstəm/ [countable noun]

the way that something is organized, following fixed rules and methods, in order to provide a service or achieve an aim :

▪ We’re going to have to make some changes - this system just doesn’t work.

▪ Most teachers are opposed to recent changes in the education system.

system of

▪ What we need is a cheap and reliable system of public transportation.

▪ a democratic system of government

system for (doing) something

▪ They are introducing a system for dealing with enquiries from customers.

▷ set-up /ˈset ʌp/ [countable noun usually singular] informal

the way in which things are organized or done within a company, school etc :

▪ My last school was quite traditional, but it’s a different set-up at the new one.

▪ An efficient accounts set-up can not only save a company money: it can improve its relationship with its clients.

▷ network /ˈnetwɜːʳk/ [countable noun]

a system of lines, tubes, wires, roads etc that are connected to each other :

▪ A 24-hour strike brought the railway network to a standstill.

▪ US companies have invested heavily in their telecommunications networks.

network of

▪ A network of veins and arteries carries the blood around the body.

▷ framework /ˈfreɪmwɜːʳk/ [countable noun]

a basic system of rules or ideas that people work within :

▪ How do you feel you can develop your skills within the framework of the team?

▪ We need a legal and political framework that is favourable to business.

framework for

▪ The aim of this legislation is to provide a framework for employers and trade unions to operate in.

▷ structure /ˈstrʌktʃəʳ/ [countable noun]

a system, especially a complicated one with a lot of different levels :

▪ Many visitors to the UK find the British class structure difficult to understand.

structure of

▪ She studied the organizational structure of the company to see whether it could be made more efficient.

▪ The structure of the US banking system is changing.

▷ mechanism /ˈmekənɪz ə m/ [countable noun]

a system of rules that makes it possible for particular things to happen or for people to do something :

▪ Many schools have a mechanism which allows parents to inspect classroom materials.

mechanism to do something

▪ The peace plan includes a mechanism to share power between all four parties.

mechanism for (doing) something

▪ The free market system is an imperfect mechanism for achieving full employment.

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