Meaning of TRUE in English


1. when something is true

2. when facts are shown to be true after being examined

3. definitely true

4. only partly true, not completely true

5. to say what is true

6. ways of saying that something is really true

7. the true information or facts about something




see also








1. when something is true

▷ be true /biː ˈtruː/ [verb phrase]

something that is true is based on real facts and was not invented or imagined :

▪ Everything I have told you is true.

▪ At first I couldn’t believe it was really true.

▪ The movie is based on a true story.

▪ If the rumours are true, we may all have a new boss by the end of the month.

it is true (that)

▪ It’s true that our schools have suffered in the past from a lack of funding, but we are changing that.

▷ be the truth /biː ðə ˈtruːθ/ [verb phrase]

to be true :

▪ There’s no way I can do any more work than I do now, and that’s the truth.

▪ We think that what she says is the truth -- she probably didn’t intend to steal the money.

▷ something goes for / something ˈgəʊz fɔːʳ/ [transitive verb not in progressive or passive]

use this to say that something that is true about one person or group is also true about another one :

▪ We encourage the kids in the program to work together, and the same thing goes for the adults too.

▪ There are some bad teachers in state schools, but the same thing goes for private schools as well.

▷ it is a fact /ɪt ɪz ə ˈfækt/

use this to emphasize that something is definitely true :

it is a fact that

▪ It is a fact that more children in this country die in road accidents than from any other cause.

▷ be the case /biː ðə ˈkeɪs/ [verb phrase]

if a situation is the case, that is the way the situation truly is :

it is the case that

▪ It used to be the case that British industry was plagued by strikes, but this is no longer true.

as is often/usually the case

▪ The doctor prescribed drugs for the child, as is often the case with this illness.

▪ He thinks I’m complaining about nothing, but that’s just not the case.

▷ truthful /ˈtruːθf ə l/ [adjective]

a truthful answer or statement contains no lies :

▪ Our citizens have a right to expect truthful reports from their government.

▪ Justice Department officials who reviewed his statement found it to be truthful.

▷ accurate /ˈækjɑrət/ [adjective]

descriptions, information, or numbers that are accurate are based on facts, do not contain mistakes, and tell you exactly what is happening :

▪ Greene gives a remarkably accurate description of life in Saigon in the early '50s.

▪ I think your assessment of the current economic situation is pretty accurate.

▷ valid /ˈvælɪd, ˈvæləd/ [adjective]

ideas that are valid are based on what is true and reasonable, and should be accepted or considered seriously :

▪ This may not be a valid conclusion - we haven’t tested it thoroughly yet.

▪ Many of Rousseau’s ideas are just as valid today as they were in the 18th century.

▪ The government still hasn’t produced a valid argument in favour of its policies on immigration.

validity /vəˈlɪdɪti, vəˈlɪdəti/ [uncountable noun]

▪ Lawyers are questioning the validity of the city’s new telecom contract.

2. when facts are shown to be true after being examined

▷ stand/hold up /ˌstænd, ˌhəʊld ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb]

if an idea, or an explanation stands up or holds up, it is shown to be true when carefully examined or questioned :

▪ Although his argument is appealing, it doesn’t really hold up.

stand up to examination/scrutiny

be shown to be true after being carefully checked

▪ None of her theories about language really stands up to close scrutiny.

stand/hold up in court

▪ My lawyer told me there was no point in starting the case, because it wouldn’t stand up in a court of law.

▷ check out /ˌtʃek ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb]

if something that someone has told you checks out, it is proved to be true when you check it :

▪ Everything she says checks out on our computer files.

▪ If his alibi doesn’t check out the police are going to charge him with murder.

3. definitely true

▷ undeniable/indisputable /ˌʌndɪˈnaɪəb ə l, ˌɪndɪˈspjuːtəb ə l/ [adjective]

definitely true, so that no one could argue or disagree about it :

▪ The fact that she was intelligent was undeniable.

it is undeniable that

▪ It is undeniable that Africa is a very different place to what it was fifty years ago.

indisputable evidence/proof etc

▪ The evidence against her appears indisputable.

▪ Researchers were hoping that the rock samples would give them indisputable proof of life on Mars.

▷ be the gospel truth/be gospel /biː ðə ˌgɒsp ə l ˈtruːθ, biː ˈgɒsp ə lǁ-ˌgɑːs-/ [verb phrase]

use this to emphasize that something is definitely true :

▪ When I was at school I thought that everything my teachers told me was the gospel truth.

▪ Many myths about pregnancy are repeated as if they were gospel.

4. only partly true, not completely true

▷ be partly true/partially true /biː ˌpɑːʳtli ˈtruː, ˌpɑːʳʃ ə li ˈtruː/ [verb phrase]

▪ This statement is partly true, but it leaves out some important facts.

▪ The stories were easy to believe because they were partially true.

▷ there’s some truth in/to something /ðeəʳz ˌsʌm ˈtruːθ ɪn, tə something/ spoken

use this to say that something is partly true :

▪ Do you think there’s any truth to these rumours?

▪ There’s some truth in the old belief that carrots are good for the eyesight.

▷ there’s something in something British /there’s something to something American /ðeəʳz ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈɪn something, ðeəʳz ˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈtuː something/ spoken

use this to say that there is some value or truth in an idea or statement, even if most of it seems unlikely or untrue :

▪ The more I study astrology, the more I’m convinced that there could be something in it.

▪ There might just be something to what she’s been teaching.

▷ element/grain of truth /ˌelɪmənt, ˌeləmənt, ˌgreɪn əv ˈtruːθ/ [noun phrase]

if you say there is an element or grain of truth in a story or an explanation, you mean that there is a little truth in it :

▪ Most myths have a grain of truth in them.

▪ There’s an element of truth in what he says, but the conclusions he comes to are rubbish.

5. to say what is true

▷ tell the truth /ˌtel ðə ˈtruːθ/ [verb phrase]

to say what really happened or what the true situation is :

▪ Nobody believes me, even though I’m the only one telling the truth!

tell somebody the truth

▪ You should have told him the truth.

▪ Just tell me the truth - did he give you the letter or not?

▷ truthful /ˈtruːθf ə l/ [adjective]

someone who is truthful says what is true and does not tell lies :

▪ Lucy’s normally an extremely truthful little girl.

truthful (with somebody) about

▪ I’ve always been truthful with him about my other boyfriends.

truthfully [adverb]

▪ I want you to answer me truthfully.

▷ to tell the truth /tə ˌtel ðə ˈtruːθ/ [adverb] spoken

say this when you want to be honest about something, even if it is something unpleasant that other people may not like :

▪ To tell the truth I’ll be glad when the kids are back at school.

to tell you the truth

▪ I’m not really in the mood for going out. To tell you the truth, I’d rather stay in and watch TV.

▷ stick to the facts /ˌstɪk tə ðə ˈfækts/ [verb phrase]

to tell the truth about things that really happened and not invent things or give your opinions :

▪ Witnesses were asked to stick to the facts and leave aside all emotion and sentiment.

▪ ‘In my opinion, she was going to meet her lover.’ ‘Could you just stick to the facts, please.’

6. ways of saying that something is really true

▷ really /ˈrɪəli/ [adverb] spoken :

▪ Is your cousin really a movie star?

▪ It’s all so long ago now, it’s difficult to believe that any of it really happened.

▪ ‘She’s leaving her husband, you know.’ ‘Really?’

▷ honestly /ˈɒnɪstli, ˈɒnəstliǁˈɑːn-/ [adverb] spoken

say this to emphasize that someone should believe what you are saying :

▪ I was going to give you it back, honestly.

▪ I honestly don’t think we’ll be in court all day tomorrow.

▪ Honestly, it makes no difference to me where we have the wedding.

▷ truly /ˈtruːli/ [adverb]

use this to emphasize that you are sincere about what you are saying and really mean it :

truly sorry/happy/surprised etc

▪ I’m truly sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.

▪ For the first time in her life she felt truly happy.

truly believe/think etc

▪ If we truly believe we can win, then we have a very good chance at doing it.

7. the true information or facts about something

▷ the truth /ðə ˈtruːθ/ [singular noun]

the truth about

▪ We may never know the truth about what really happened to Marilyn Monroe.

▪ Scientists believe they are close to finding out the truth about the origins of the universe.

the truth is (that)

▪ The truth is that the idea of having kids terrifies him.

the simple/plain truth

the truth about something, especially when this is unpleasant

▪ The simple truth is that I just don’t love him anymore.

the truth comes out

the truth becomes known

▪ Nixon tried to cover up the burglary, but the truth had to come out in the end.

▷ fact /fækt/ [countable noun]

a true piece of information about something :

▪ The most important thing is to find out what the facts are and put the scandal behind us.

▪ Gentry still owed Mr Tilly $7,000, a fact he failed to mention when he was arrested.

fact that

▪ It is a fact that the world is round.

hard facts

definite facts that cannot be argued with

▪ You need to back up your theory with one or two hard facts.

▷ truth /truːθ/ [countable/uncountable noun]

important facts or principles about life, the world etc that are always true in all situations :

▪ Science is based around the search for truth.

▪ Ellis explains how truth and freedom are linked.

▪ fundamental truths about human nature

▷ home truths /ˌhəʊm ˈtruːðs/ [plural noun] British

facts about someone which are unpleasant for them to know but are true :

▪ It’s about time someone told that woman a few home truths.

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