I. verb
a used/second-hand car (= one that is not new )
The company locates suitable new and used cars for buyers.
an excessive use of sth
Farmers have been criticized for their excessive use of chemical fertilizers.
(be of) limited use/value
Unfortunately, the drug is of limited value in treating cancer.
be on/use/take heroin
cheap to run/use/maintain etc
Gas appliances are usually cheaper to run than electric ones.
For the employer, a part-time workforce means a cheap labour supply.
comfortable to wear/use/ride etc
My bike isn’t very comfortable to ride.
commercial use
The trees were planted for commercial use.
drug use/abuse (= taking drugs )
She is being treated for drug abuse.
energy use
30% of all our energy use is in the home.
exercise/use your veto
For external use only (= written on medicines which must be put on your skin and not swallowed )
for (your) personal use
He bought a computer for his personal use.
go on the bus/use the bus (= travel by bus )
It's easier to go on the bus than to drive.
heavy use
the film’s heavy use of special effects
I could use a laugh (= I want to hear something funny to cheer me up )
Tell me what she said - I could use a laugh.
illegal use of sth
They were found guilty of the illegal use of confidential information.
imaginative use
an imaginative use of computer technology
in regular use (= people used it often )
Penn Station was in regular use until the 1960s.
indiscriminate use
the indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers
industrial use (= not to be used at home )
cleaning products that are for industrial use only
Internet use
The software allows parents to control children’s Internet use.
make good use of
You should make good use of your time.
make the best use of sth
Making the best use of space is important in any room.
make use of the facilities
We hope students make use of the new facilities.
practical use
Knowledge without understanding is of little practical use.
ready to use/eat etc
The computer is now set up and ready to use.
resort to/use violence
They were willing to resort to violence to achieve their ends.
safe to use/drink/eat etc
The water is treated to make it safe to drink.
simple to use/make/operate etc
The machine is very simple to use.
take/use drugs
I think I took drugs to escape my problems.
take/use opportunity (= do something you have a chance to do )
Several employees took the opportunity to retire early.
the efficient use of sth
We must work towards the more efficient use of all natural resources.
the exclusive use of sth
We had exclusive use of the house while he was away.
the use of violence
A police spokesman said that the use of violence, while regrettable, was necessary.
use a calculator
The children are taught to use calculators from a young age.
use a checklist
Interviewers often use a checklist to ensure that they’ve covered everything.
use a cliché
'Time marches on', to use the old cliché.
use a compass
Some of the kids were learning how to use a map and compass.
use a computer
Most people do jobs in which they have to use a computer.
use a dictionary
We advise all our students to use a good dictionary.
use a language
The children use their native language at home.
use a machine
Can you use the copy machine?
use a metaphor
To use her own metaphor, she is a caged bird who wants to fly free.
use a method ( also employ a method formal )
Which payment method do you use when travelling?
use a name (= tell people that you have a particular name )
She may be using a false name.
use a needle
I don't think he even knows how to use a needle!
use a program
The documentation explains how to use the program.
use a skill
I am sure you can use your communication skills to get your message across.
use a strategy ( also employ a strategy formal )
What strategies do you use to deal with these problems?
use a tactic
We used various tactics to get their support.
use a technique ( also employ a technique formal )
By using commercial shipbuilding techniques, the Navy hoped to reduce costs.
use a term
a term used by psychiatrists
use a weapon
They claim the government used chemical weapons against them.
use a word
Be very careful how you use the word ‘natural’.
use an approach
This approach has been used for a number of major investigations.
use an entrance
It's quicker to use the side entrance.
use an example
He used several examples to illustrate his point.
use an exit
In the event of a fire, please use the emergency exit nearest to you.
use any/every means to do sth (= use any method or many methods )
He will use any means to get what he wants.
use batteries ( also run on batteries )
The clock runs on two 9-volt batteries.
use chemicals
Farmers use chemicals to kill insects that would destroy their crops.
use credit
The survey showed only 15% of people had never used credit.
use criteria
What criteria do we use to decide whether one book is better than another?
use electricity
The system uses electricity to heat the water.
use energy
Washing machines use a lot of energy.
use equipment
Mr Gomez will now demonstrate how to use the equipment safely.
use every excuse in the book (= use every possible excuse )
He used every excuse in the book to avoid seeing the doctor.
use fuel
People need to learn how to use fuel more efficiently.
use ingredients
Many recipes in this book use Chinese ingredients.
use magic
By using magic, he can order the ghost of any dead person to be his servant.
use make-up
She rarely uses make-up.
use medication
The leaflet tells you how to use the medication correctly.
use petrol
Try to cut your motoring costs and use less petrol.
use resources
Modern products use fewer natural resources.
use resources ( also make use of resources )
We must use our resources efficiently.
use sb’s name (= say their name when speaking to them )
I didn’t know him well enough to use his first name.
use software
Several companies have already begun using the software.
use sth as a precedent
Latin America was afraid that the invasion of Panama would be used as a precedent.
use sth as an excuse
She never complained or used her illness as an excuse.
use the facilities
Guests are welcome to use all the hotel’s facilities.
use the Internet
More and more companies are using the Internet to conduct their business.
use the library
You can use the library before or after school.
use the lift
It’s on the 3rd floor. Let’s use the lift .
use the phone
Do you mind if I use your phone?
use the telephone
May I use your telephone?
use (up) leave
I used all my leave in the summertime.
use up/exhaust a supply
The diver had nearly used up his supply of oxygen.
use your brain
It’s easy if you just use your brain.
use your card
I don’t use a card if I can pay by cash.
use your charm
She knew when to use her charm in order to get what she wanted.
use your common sense
If something goes wrong, just use your common sense.
use your imagination
Musicians need to use their imagination as well as their technical skills.
use your influence
She wasn’t afraid to use her influence to get what she wanted.
use your muscles
Bend your knees and use your thigh muscles when picking up heavy objects.
use your position
She can now use her position to do some good.
use your power ( also exercise (your) power formal )
The party will use all its power and influence to raise the issue in the Senate.
Questions have been asked about the way the police exercised their power.
use your strength
He used all his strength to heave the door shut.
use your talents
They have been using their artistic talents to brighten up the school.
use/apply logic
Why do we not apply the same logic in the way we treat animals?
used scare tactics
Employers used scare tactics to force a return to work.
used to
He used to go to our school.
used...as a punching bag
a young wife whose husband used her as a punching bag
use/exercise your discretion
The judge exercised his discretion rightly to admit the evidence.
use/exploit a loophole
Airlines may be exploiting legal loopholes in order to employ pilots trained outside the US.
Don’t keep asking me for advice. Use your initiative .
use...noddle (= think )
It’s easy enough to do if you just use your noddle .
Use...noggin (= think )
Use your noggin .
Oh come on, use your nut !
use/run/operate a system
They use a system of grades to evaluate each hospital’s performance.
We operate a booking system.
Use the spices sparingly .
widespread use
the widespread use of chemicals in agriculture
Ileal motility was measured by integrating the area under the pressure-time curve, during 1 minute periods, using computer software.
Airlines for years have used computers to predict demand and set fares to maximize revenues.
Some one who uses different computers at home and at work will need two digital signatures.
Years ago, adults used expensive, high-powered computers at work and bought a low-end machine for the kids.
Conventional taxonomic publications can still be produced using computers , but much more rapidly and cheaply.
The idea was tested by using drugs which produced convulsions.
As he grew older, he used hallucinogenic drugs .
Nineteen had used only one drug prior to heroin use, principally cannabis, the rest using a variety of drug combinations.
It would increase mandatory penalties for drug dealers selling drugs to children or using children to sell drugs.
If it turns out that your teenager is using drugs and has problems, you have something very painful to face.
Therefore claims incurred where, for example, a vessel was being used for drug smuggling would not be covered.
Over 90 percent of the heroin users at each agency had been using the drug for between one month and five years.
Around half know of some one who uses drugs .
My main impressions are that it is easy to use and displays information clearly.
It is used to display information about the customer business, the customer product, or the customer services.
This use of probability information is susceptible to the problems of using statistical information outlined earlier and described by Sayre.
Integration Recognition can be improved by using additional linguistic information .
Third, we can use comparative information .
What that experience demonstrates is that the teacher very rarely uses the voluminous information , which is nevertheless conscientiously stored and retained.
A significant proportion of the dolphin's brain is thought to be used in processing the information produced by the echolocation system.
Such experimental retrieval may be more necessary for searches using the natural language of the document.
Jefferson never used stronger language than Carroll did against religion supPorted by law.
The loss of Lardie Moonlight Tribal people are sometimes thought to use primitive languages .
Fiennes has to use expressive body language and an extensive vocal palette to get his points across.
For imagine a person crying out with pain alone in the desert: is he using a language ?
It encourages creativity and allows pupils to use the language they have learnt in the context of stimulating and relevant projects.
One can see that the task of interpreting will share similarities in its processes nomatterwhich languages are being used .
But some investigators claim that they have taught them to use systems approaching human language in their versatility and complexity.
Second, consider a project that uses a particular material .
Team leader Alan Smith said the nursery was committed to preserving the environment so it did not use peat materials or chemicals.
The language of continuum mechanics is increasingly being used in modern material science.
Established in 1912, Olympus has a long tradition of good design, using the finest materials and quality craftsmanship.
The students have been preparing for the assessments using open learning materials developed by Telford College.
Bunns helps by using materials with a similar specification to prepare all Mr Middleditch's fertilisers.
In the phases of large-scale antislavery mobilisation within Britain these two purposes were pursued simultaneously, though sometimes using different printed materials .
Officials admit that another 700 firms and institutions are using hazardous radioactive material .
Cast using traditional methods , the bells have the names of faithful parishioners inscribed on them.
It would use new methods to teach traditional academic subjects and equip young people with technical skills.
Contributions are determined by qualified actuaries on the basis of periodic valuations using the projected unit method .
Earlier studies on the deposit indicated the copper ore can be treated using conventional methods .
The most comfortable and efficient way is to use the heel-toe method .
Standards may also vary somewhat in specificity and reproducibility according to the methods used .
Hubble was forced, therefore, to use indirect methods to measure the distances.
A.. Yes, it would, and a waterproofing company using this method usually guarantees its work.
Some of it was mixed with other ingredients as a compost, some of it was used as pure money .
Gibbs calls it a blatant violation of the federal Fair Housing Act, which forbids using federal money for gentrification.
You could use the life assurance money to buy the place and stay on.
To be sure, not all strategists use money flow as a market gauge.
Moore also used the money to buy a home for his girlfriend and save himself from bankruptcy.
Why not use some of that money to get started with a low dam-and then switch horses in midstream?
It is always possible to do that, and to use elsewhere the money saved.
In practice, both parties use soft money to finance expensive media campaigns that promote their presidential candidates.
But now there's kids who use the name and try to make up their own little Lo Life thing.
He used her name , though, once.
Celebration Remembering, and using people's names when talking to them pays dividends in personal relationships.
Most of them allowed me to use their names .
He used the name Abdullah Hayira.
She's also known to have used the names Sarah Collins and Sarah Cohen.
Finally, hair was dried using the System Professional Curl Reactivator to enhance the curl and give extra body.
Even small firms that bank with small commercial banks can use such systems through established arrangements among the banks.
The reasons for using expert systems technology in aircraft maintenance are explained.
Technologysavvy farmers have begun using satellite positioning systems for precision planting and fertilizing.
The cost of using such established systems is high, typically about £1,500 per hour to hire.
Fig. 1 shows how an eight bit binary number can be bar coded using this system .
The existing system for doing so is there to be used , alternative systems are not.
Chapters 1 and 2 include descriptions of the various chromatographic, electrophoretic and spectroscopic techniques used in such systems .
And that's 4 weeks cutting, shaping and piecing together in the workshop using techniques , both old fashioned and up to date.
You learn how to use relaxation techniques to relax your body and lower the pitch of the tone.
Today around 80% of the prints I produce now use this technique .
In this chapter, we will examine commonly used techniques for both short-term and long-term financial forecasting and budgeting.
An alternative is to search using the logarithmic technique .
The answer is that firms will want to use the most efficient technique because it yields the greatest profit.
This may be detected either by using pulse timing techniques or by very-long-baseline interferometry.
Inefficient Communist factories can be made to run at much higher output levels by simply using better management techniques .
Other terms which are useful access points but which will not be used as index terms are listed in light type.
No one used the term textbook operation.
I use the term in the medical sense.
I will use the term stage where it appears in quotes, but beyond this section I will use the term level.
Exponential smoothing would again normally be used for short term forecasting, for periods up to six months ahead.
By the time Christopher began using the term , most of the killings had already taken place.
Information on spatial units, where relevant, are also included and may be used as search terms .
Walter Adey first used the term synthetic ecology.
One involved using whole word shape to help determine segment positions and to allow for letter shape variations within words.
Weiser uses the example of words .
Results can be printed in any form using the word processor.
I use the word consciously, very much aware that it has been used in the past to demean adult women.
In brightness masking, a homogeneous bright field is used after the target word .
Compared to pidgins, a proper language can convey such complicated concepts using relatively few words .
Syntactic knowledge may be used to identify those word combinations that are grammatically acceptable.
In conversation we use the word to mean degrade, injure, or destroy.
(a) fat lot of good/use
A fat lot of good it did me!
Frederick Bissett was a member of the Institute of Professional Scientists, and a fat lot of good that did him.
Getting the pound down was what Labour governments did with metronomic regularity. Fat lot of good it did them.
be/get used to (doing) sth
Zach's not used to such spicy food.
Could it be used to predict the mating system of species that had not been studied?
He walked like an old man trying to get used to new glasses.
In housing, the market can not be used to move to the market.
Left: Scenes shot on telephoto appear to have compressed perspectives which can be used to good effect.
The bulldozer would be used to load them.
The password which will be used to limit access to the packages created.
The threat of this ex ante can then be used to ensure adherence to the agreement.
This money would be used to provide education, job-training assistance, childcare and program administration beginning later this year.
do/use sth in anger
You'd really need to re-fret this guitar before you used it in anger .
ease of application/use etc
Choose the push-fit kind for ease of use. 4.
Layout clear for ease of use.
New methods must be carefully evaluated according to the criteria of cost and ease of application.
The old trade-off between ease of use and security must therefore be addressed.
This was rejected on grounds of ease of use and familiarity with the 100 percent marking scale.
When selecting any kind of baby product, the essential requirements to consider are comfort, safety and ease of use.
no earthly reason/use etc
As far as I could tell, there was no earthly reason for Fanshawe to have chosen me for this job.
It serves no earthly use to recapitulate the damage that they do, and which we know they do.
Surely there's no earthly reason why you should not come with me to mass?
There is no earthly reason why I shouldn't be able to move like these young athletes.
There seemed to be no earthly reason for the Bureau to resist such status-but it did.
use your imagination
How can you look at a bunch of stars, so far away, and so incomprehensible, without using your imagination ?
Of course, Vincent explained to Theo, he could avoid the expense of models and use his imagination .
This means using your imagination and buying some fairly unusual items.
This would be a well-placed lesson to her in how to use her imagination a bit more.
We also need to encourage children to use their imaginations in science lessons.
When the information was slow in coming, the announcers were forced to use their imaginations to fill in the details.
With Game Boys and other computers you don't need to use your imagination .
use your loaf
I play by ear I use my loaf I suspect fair play.
use/try every trick in the book
I tried every trick in the book to reform him.
Victoria used every trick in the book to undermine Patsy in order to get the new job colleagues knew Patsy had earned.
use/turn sth to your/good advantage
First and foremost, Borland have taken the Windows interface and used it to good advantage .
Homeloans are one of the cheapest ways of borrowing money - find out how to use them to your advantage .
If you would like to reassess your life and learn how to use stress to your advantage , come along.
Parents may feel suspicious of these, or resentful, and will need help in using them to best advantage .
Professionals need to be aware of such things and use them to good advantage .
use/wield the big stick
used cars/clothes etc
Crackdown shows one third of used cars are not safe.
However, with used cars, who knows?
Leased a gravel lot for $ 15 a month and sold used cars.
Now the tax on importing used cars has been slashed.
The family also sticks to used cars.
Are we allowed to use a dictionary in the test?
Can't you see Tad's just using you?
Can I use your pen?
Carla often doesn't use good judgment in selecting boyfriends.
Charles was able to use his family connection for his own personal advancement.
Do you mind if I use your phone?
How often do you use the library?
I can't tell you what to do - you must use your own discretion.
I try not to use bad language around the kids.
In his political life, he was not above using his families for his own ends.
Martens uses her stage name when she travels.
Morgan stopped using drugs and alcohol six years ago when he entered a long-term treatment program.
Now that we have a car we very rarely use the buses.
Planning is essential to make sure that resources are used effectively.
Researchers often use questionnaires in their work.
Right-wing activists used people's fears of unemployment as a way of stirring up extremism.
She first started using drugs when she was thirteen.
She lets herself be used and then dropped by almost every man she meets.
The average Westerner uses over 260 lbs of paper every year.
The drug smugglers used innocent travellers to carry the drugs through customs.
A spectrograph uses optical elements called gratings or prisms to separate the light gathered by a telescope into its component colors.
Every other machine in Harley's range uses its trusted formula of a 45 V-twin in a steel backbone frame.
First, the wrong caulking had been used.
Most scholars would agree that Mark came first and the other two used him in writing their accounts.
Silly me, I have begun to conjure up an image of Newt Gingrich as a man more used than using.
The experts were asked to use the four-point system commonly used in schools.
This can be on-line or off-line recognition of hand-printed characters, or of machine-printed characters using optical character recognition.
We shall use his perceived activities as an excuse for not growing up.
II. noun
During these play bouts the kitten's imagination is put to full use .
He says that they can make full use of the science labs and workshops.
The vitamin B complex enables the body to make full use of the food consumed.
This may be because they are not working full-time or are not doing jobs which make full use of their abilities.
She pulled herself back together again, and hauled herself out of the cubicle to make full use of the facilities.
Not to make full use of the subject expertise of the university lecturing and research staff for selection is obviously absurd.
As for capital gains tax, the main waste is due to the failure of married couples to make full use of their allowances.
Encouraging full use of the potential of the County's rail links with Channel Tunnel rail terminals.
They say that machinery works better when in use .
Take all the criticism you can get and make the best possible use of it.
The author of this disk has put the editor to good use designing a challenging collection of maze like levels.
The drive might be put to better use doing data-only backups or for storing large graphics files.
And when it comes there is not enough cash to make the best use of it.
Domestic robots will also make good use of the home network to stay in touch with each other.
She Dreamed up a new hobby for the Mayor, collecting antique paperweights, and made good use of them.
To make the best use of space, use sliding doors.
Carter made greater use of it than most but Reagan went even further.
Many people want jobs that allow them to make greater use of their education and that provide intrinsic work satisfaction.
Unfortunately, it doesn't make the greatest use of the Windows interface.
The relative complexity of the Visual Effects required a far greater use of filmed inserts.
Throw-over bedspreads are another great use for the thicker woven lengths.
Also, manufacturers have upgraded the specification of diesel cars as well as making greater use of turbo-chargers to improve performance.
Second, women of all socio-economic groups make greater use of general practitioners than men, again relative to need.
Surprisingly the greatest use had been among children in reasonably affluent neighbourhoods.
Therapeutic input makes heavy use of group work, though individual therapy is also possible.
In response to heavy recreational use , the Forest Service issued strict new regulations a year ago.
WordPerfect is a good example of a word-processor that makes heavy use of these key combinations.
Despite heavy use , it is one of the most fragmented national forests in the country.
He makes heavy use of what may be called the Argument from Personal Incredulity.
When the guard arrived, they and the police made heavy use of firearms.
Many people seem simply to grow out of heavy drug use , rather as many young drinkers mature out of heavy drinking.
Argyll and the Islands Enterprise executives are anxious to purchase the 44-acre site at Sandbank, near Dunoon, for industrial use .
The industrial use of oil, 3. 4in, constitutes an even more tempting alternative fuels target.
The village was first mentioned in records of 1707 developing as a result of the increased industrial use of the river.
The mill is still in industrial use and not open to the public.
The other 20 percent goes for industrial uses and coins.
Then Inchbrook was clearly put back to some industrial use as it was damaged by fire in August 1926.
The first industrial use of power on the Moon will probably be for the manufacture of propellants and life-support materials.
If reserved for his personal use , it might put him at a certain advantage over his employer.
It also refused to limit the use of county vehicles for personal use in the charter.
Cattle could be stolen for the personal use of the thieves, often as beef.
Under the act, teachers can make notes about students for their own personal use .
Residents pay for their care according to their means and all will have at least a minimum amount of money for personal use .
You decide which questions you are going to ask and you evaluate them for future personal use .
There are also handouts, which may be photocopied for personal use .
Reprinting items retrieved from the archives are for personal use only.
Tolerance means that with regular use , you need to increase the dose to achieve the same effect.
Each user will be required to buy an annual pass and pay regular use fees.
But Smith's name is unfamiliar even to many of the professional mathematicians who make regular use of the ideas he introduced.
All her bicycle needed was some regular use .
His Ed Blackwell playing activity was restricted through kidney disease, which required regular use of a dialysis machine far many years.
She told me that she considered it a better one, but that it was too old to be in regular use .
Several recent studies have indicated that regular aspirin use may reduce the risk of colon cancer.
These search systems must still be suitable for casual use by inept or inexperienced users.
The former, implemented on dense chips, would have a high radiation immunity and would be suitable for use in space.
Estate agents' advertisements habitually claim that country houses are suitable for every use from country clubs to prestige headquarters.
However, it is not suitable for use with many enzyme procedures.
They are suitable for general use and especially for music recording.
For these reasons hide glue or Scotch glue is only suitable for use indoors.
But this does not mean that the carbon-zinc battery would be suitable for use in your detector.
If the pan is not suitable for use in the oven, transfer the meat to a casserole dish.
It is in widespread use , and is supported by other cad systems.
Kaczynski was disgusted with the widespread drug use and liberal politics at UC-Berkeley, a law enforcement source said.
But how can we best explain the widespread use of performance-enhancing drugs in cycling?
Whether the technology ever will gain widespread use is uncertain.
A further, recent complexity has been added by the widespread use of video recorders.
The continuously falling price and increasing power of desk-top computers has led to their widespread availability and use .
The main obstacle to the widespread use of abatement techniques is the significant and variable national costs which are incurred.
One significant advantage of electric vehicles is that their widespread use would make far better use of off-peak electricity.
There is a growing range of agencies which can provide help and advice on changing their pattern of drug use .
There is a growing recognition of the debilitating effects of teen drug use , teen pregnancy and violence.
Stubbornness: Individual willpower, the absolute determination to control drinking or drug use , is exactly what keeps the disease going.
The results were predictable: Drug use dropped dramatically.
We also know that socio-economic variables play a potentially vital role in the patterns of drug use .
Reported drug use of any type among high school seniors jumped 44 percent from 1992 to 1995.
All of their lives are reduced to their drug use .
Dole also hammered at the increase in youthful drug use in the last four years.
If heroin use proves relatively harmless to all concerned then we should advocate legal reform and controlled availability.
Nineteen had used only one drug prior to heroin use, principally cannabis, the rest using a variety of drug combinations.
Prior to his imprisonment, his burgling and dealing activities financed their heroin use .
Consequently, it was forecast that the prevalence of heroin use might also begin to fall from 1988-9.
Evidence of widespread heroin use in the community built up rapidly during 1983-4.
Will the prevalence of heroin use increase, decline or become stable?
We mentioned in the Introduction that earlier sociological studies of deviant behaviour provide notes of caution about investigating phenomena like heroin use .
The sale of state firms would be start with the transport, energy, land use and housing sectors, Aznar said.
Changes in land use and land productivity over the period area analysed.
It has also resulted in isolated, small areas of land not being fully utilised for agriculture or any other land use .
However, it has also to be pointed out that many intrusive land uses have occurred in green belts.
Jacob's strictures served as a reminder that neat and tidy land use arrangements may have been over-emphasized.
Reform land use planning so that the protection of the natural environment becomes a major feature of the planning system.
One barrier to the regulation of rural land use change is the absence of planning controls over farming and forestry.
And yet our eventual objective must be to prepare learners to cope with the natural conditions of language use .
Slang is part of casual, informal styles of language use .
Nor was I surprised that I often had to show the students how language use might be made meaningful.
But settling questions of language use is the job of pragmatics-the study of the use of language in context.
Recent ideas about language use and learning insist on the primacy of communicative activities in the classroom.
In chapters 6 and 7 I would like to propose a characterization of grammar and language use which shows their interdependence.
In his work on social class and linguistic styles, Basil Bernstein has identified two different modes of language use .
They are based on observations of everyday experience and language use .
To overcome these difficulties, kings made increasing use of money.
Soy protein products have increased in use as extenders.
All is drawn in variously diluted glaze, and there is increasing use of washes of colour.
Advances in portable computers are an important factor that is likely to lead to increased use of mobile data communication.
Faced with a loss of power in 1988, party officials made increasing use of what remained for their own personal gain.
For the hopeful, increased use of leave signals social progress, greater sharing by fathers.
This is mostly due to an increased use of photographs and larger headlines to accompany text.
It was at this moment of increasing daily use that the most profound lifestyle changes were perceived by the interviewees.
It involves the use of an objection as a stimulus to buy.
Public-Key Cryptography A more powerful form of cryptography involves the use of public keys.
This involves an intentional use or threat of violence by one person against another.
Clients still have to pay for their vacations, which usually involve the use of unused timeshare units.
The research involves the use of primary source materials in national and local archives.
During this period, Guthrie had allegedly been pulling scams involving the use of fake receipts to return stolen property to KMarts.
Herbalism: a holistic treatment involving the use of herbal remedies specifically chosen and blended for different conditions.
Many searches involve the use of more than one source, and all searches require that the most appropriate source be chosen.
Funds obtained by this method are not limited in their use to balance of payments difficulties.
The doctors in managed-care systems often have financial incentives to limit patients' use of laboratory tests, specialists and other services.
This, coupled with the fact that the 3M machine offers fewer colours in any case, would limit its use .
It also refused to limit the use of county vehicles for personal use in the charter.
A restrictive clause in the title deed limited the land use to mission purposes.
Such invasive treatment has limited use for these patients, and more confirmation of its efficacy is needed.
The more open back bends have limited use , but this could be improved.
But the report was limited to comparing use of six preventive services.
And if you have any special skills or knowledge that can be made use of they would be more than welcome.
Can it be that they are there for a reason, that the reader makes use of both?
Another tundra strategy is to make use of the sea.
Clearly, the government policies required to make the use of education and health services equitable are a daunting package.
This may be because they are not working full-time or are not doing jobs which make full use of their abilities.
Each ward should have a planned programme which makes full use of its learning opportunities.
Shah made use of both pieces of legislation to great effect.
Similarly, there will be a variant of the 68000 family translator tweaked to make use of the Macintosh file system.
A pastry brush has a variety of uses in the kitchen.
Herring, 55, is a former drug user who started the foundation in San Jose in 1980.
It's main use is as a cleaning agent for metals.
Robots have many different uses in modern industry.
Technology developed for the space program have civilian uses as well.
the use of animals in scientific experiments
The land has been developed for tourism and other recreational uses.
There has been a decline in the use of the subway system over recent years.
There have been complaints about the use of excessive force by the police.
And the lowest of low points was the use of five captains in seven Tests in 1988-89.
He had no expectations or intentions that they would ever become constantly updated guidebooks for the use of millions.
It appears that chronic caffeine use may cause up-regulation or down-regulation of other neurotransmitter systems as well.
It leads to a crime: Some one is murdering claimants and putting their insurance money to private use .
One in 12 people who took part in the survey was without the use of their machine for over a fortnight.
The ramifications of the wrong use of imagination have to be fully realized before we can hope to control it.