Meaning of BUST UP in English

bust up phrasal verb informal ( see also ↑ bust )

1 . British English if people bust up, they end their relationship or friendship SYN break up :

They bust up after six years of marriage.

⇨ ↑ bust-up (1)

2 . bust something ↔ up to prevent an illegal activity or bad situation from continuing SYN break up :

A couple of teachers stepped in to bust up the fight.

3 . bust something ↔ up American English to damage or break something:

A bunch of bikers busted up the bar.

4 . American English to start laughing a lot SYN crack up :

Elaine busted up laughing at the sight of him.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.