Pronunciation: ' blast
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bl ǣ st; akin to Old High German bl ā st blast, bl ā san to blow, Old English bl ā wan ― more at BLOW
Date: before 12th century
1 a : a violent gust of wind b : the effect or accompaniment (as sleet) of such a gust
2 : the sound produced by an impulsion of air through a wind instrument or whistle
3 : something resembling a gust of wind: as a : a stream of air or gas forced through a hole b : a vehement outburst c : the continuous blowing to which a charge of ore or metal is subjected in a blast furnace
4 a : a sudden pernicious influence or effect <the blast of a huge epidemic> b : a disease of plants marked by the formation of destructive lesions on leaves and inflorescences
5 a : an explosion or violent detonation b : the shock wave of an explosion c : a forceful hit (as in baseball) or shot (as in soccer or golf) especially : HOME RUN
6 : SPEED , CAPACITY , OPERATION <go full blast > <in full blast >
7 : an enjoyably exciting experience, occasion, or event <I had a blast > especially : PARTY
– blast from the past : a striking reminder of an earlier time : something that excites nostalgia