Function: intransitive verb
Date: 14th century
1 : BLARE <music blast ing from the radio>
2 : to make a vigorous attack
3 a : to use an explosive b : SHOOT
4 : to hit a golf ball out of a sand trap with explosive force
5 : to proceed rapidly or aggressively < blast ing down the ski slope>
transitive verb
1 a : to injure by or as if by the action of wind b : BLIGHT
2 a : to shatter by or as if by an explosive b : to remove, open, or form by or as if by an explosive c : SHOOT
3 : to attack vigorously
4 : to cause to blast off <will blast themselves from the moon's surface>
5 : to hit vigorously and effectively < blast ed a home run>
6 : to play loudly < blast ing rock music on the stereo>
– blast · er noun