Meaning of ISSUE in English


Pronunciation: ' i-( ˌ )shü, chiefly Southern ' i-sh ə , chiefly Brit ' is-( ˌ )yü

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, exit, proceeds, from Anglo-French, from issir to come out, go out, from Latin exire to go out, from ex- + ire to go; akin to Gothic iddja he went, Greek ienai to go, Sanskrit eti he goes

Date: 14th century

1 plural : proceeds from a source of revenue (as an estate)

2 : the action of going, coming, or flowing out : EGRESS , EMERGENCE

3 : a means or place of going out : EXIT , OUTLET

4 : OFFSPRING , PROGENY <died without issue >

5 a : a final outcome that usually constitutes a solution (as of a problem) or resolution (as of a difficulty) b obsolete : a final conclusion or decision about something arrived at after consideration c archaic : TERMINATION , END <hope that his enterprise would have a prosperous issue ― T. B. Macaulay>

6 a : a matter that is in dispute between two or more parties b (1) : a vital or unsettled matter <economic issue s > (2) : CONCERN , PROBLEM <I have issue s with his behavior> c : the point at which an unsettled matter is ready for a decision <brought the matter to an issue >

7 : a discharge (as of blood) from the body

8 a : something coming forth from a specified source < issue s of a disordered imagination> b obsolete : DEED

9 a : the act of publishing or officially giving out or making available <the next issue of commemorative stamps> < issue of supplies by the quartermaster> b : the thing or the whole quantity of things given out at one time <read the latest issue >

– is · sue · less \ ' i-shü-l ə s \ adjective

– at issue

1 : in a state of controversy : in disagreement

2 also in issue : under discussion or in dispute

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.