Meaning of OVER in English


Function: preposition

Date: before 12th century

1 ― used as a function word to indicate motion or situation in a position higher than or above another <towered over his mother> <flew over the lake> <rode over the old Roman road>

2 a ― used as a function word to indicate the possession of authority, power, or jurisdiction in regard to some thing or person <respected those over him> b ― used as a function word to indicate superiority, advantage, or preference <a big lead over the others> c ― used as a function word to indicate one that is overcome, circumvented, or disregarded <passed over the governor's veto>

3 a : more than <cost over $5> b : ABOVE 4

4 a ― used as a function word to indicate position upon or movement down upon <laid a blanket over the child> <hit him over the head> b (1) : all through or throughout <showed me over the house> <went over his notes> (2) ― used as a function word connecting one mathematical set and another whose elements are coefficients or values of parameters used to form elements of the first set <polynomials over the field of real numbers> c ― used as a function word to indicate a particular medium or channel of communication < over the radio>

5 ― used as a function word to indicate position on or motion to the other side or beyond <lives over the way> <fell over the edge>

6 a : THROUGHOUT , DURING < over the past 25 years> b : until the end of <stay over Sunday>

7 a ― used as a function word to indicate an object of solicitude, interest, consideration, or reference <the Lord watches over his own> b ― used as a function word to indicate the object of an expressed or implied occupation, activity, or concern <trouble over money> <met with advisers over lunch>

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.