Meaning of TOP in English


Pronunciation: ' täp

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German zopf tip, tuft of hair

Date: before 12th century

1 a (1) : the highest point, level, or part of something : SUMMIT , CROWN (2) : the head or top of the head ― used especially in the phrase top to toe (3) : the head of a plant especially : the aboveground part of a plant having edible roots <beet top s > (4) : a garment worn on the upper body b (1) : the highest or uppermost region or part (2) : the upper end, edge, or surface

2 : a fitted, integral, or attached part or unit serving as an upper piece, lid, or covering

3 a : a platform surrounding the head of a lower mast that serves to spread the topmast rigging, strengthen the mast, and furnish a standing place for men aloft b : a comparable part of the superstructure especially : such a part on a warship used as a fire-control station or antiaircraft gun platform

4 a : the highest degree or pitch conceivable or attained : ACME , PINNACLE b : the loudest or highest range of a sound

5 a : the part that is nearest in space or time to the source or beginning b : the first half of an inning in baseball

6 a (1) : the highest position (as in rank or achievement) (2) : a person or thing at the top b plural : aces and kings in a hand or the three highest honors in a suit

7 : the choicest part : CREAM , PICK

8 : a forward spin given to a ball (as in golf or billiards) by striking it on or near the top or above the center also : the stroke so given

9 : a fundamental quark that has an electric charge of + 2/3 and a measured energy of approximately 175 GeV also : the flavor characterizing this particle

– topped \ ' täpt \ adjective

– off the top of one's head : in an impromptu manner <sat down and wrote the ⋯ story off the top of his head ― Jerome Beatty, Jr.>

– on top of

1 a : in control of <acted like a man on top of his job ― Newsweek > b : informed about <tried to keep on top of new developments>

2 : in sudden and unexpected proximity to <the deadline was on top of them>

3 : in addition to

– on top of the world : in a position of eminent success, happiness, or fame

– over the top : beyond the bounds of what is expected, usual, normal, or appropriate

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.