Meaning of TOP in English


Function: verb

Inflected Form: topped ; top · ping

Date: 1509

transitive verb

1 : to remove or cut the top of especially : to shorten or remove the top of (a plant) : PINCH 1B

2 a : to cover with a top or on the top : provide, form, or serve as a top for b : to supply with a decorative or protective finish or final touch c : to resupply or refill to capacity ― usually used with off < topped off the tank> d : to complete the basic structure of (as a high-rise building) by putting on a cap or uppermost section ― usually used with out or off e : to bring to an end or climax ― usually used with off <the event was topped off with a relay race ― Paula Rodenas>

3 a : to be or become higher than : OVERTOP < top s the previous record> b : to be superior to : EXCEL , SURPASS c : to gain ascendancy over : DOMINATE

4 a : to rise to, reach, or be at the top of b : to go over the top of : CLEAR , SURMOUNT

5 : to strike (a ball) above the center thereby imparting topspin

intransitive verb

1 : to make an end, finish, or conclusion

2 : to reach a summit or crest ― usually used with off or out

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.