Meaning of FOLD in English

[fold] n [ME, fr. OE falod; akin to OS faled enclosure] (bef. 12c) 1: an enclosure for sheep

2. a: a flock of sheep b: a group of people or institutions that share a common faith, belief, activity, or enthusiasm

[2]fold vt (bef. 12c): to pen up or confine (as sheep) in a fold [3]fold vb [ME, fr. OE fealdan; akin to OHG faldan to fold, Gk diplasios twofold] vt (bef. 12c) 1: to lay one part over another part of "~ a letter"

2: to reduce the length or bulk of by doubling over "~ a tent"

3: to clasp together: entwine "~ the hands"

4: to clasp or enwrap closely: embrace

5: to bend (as a layer of rock) into folds

6. a: to incorporate (a food ingredient) into a mixture by repeated gentle overturnings without stirring or beating b: to incorporate closely

7. a: to concede defeat by withdrawing (one's cards) from play (as in poker) b: to bring to an end ~ vi 1: to become doubled or pleated

2: to fail completely: collapse; esp: to go out of business

3: to fold one's cards (as in poker) -- adj [4]fold n (13c) 1: a part doubled or laid over another part: pleat

2: something that is folded together or that enfolds 3 a: a bend or flexure produced in rock by forces operative after the depositing or consolidation of the rock b chiefly Brit: an undulation in the landscape

4: a margin apparently formed by the doubling upon itself of a flat anatomical structure (as a membrane)

5: a crease made by folding something (as a newspaper)

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