[safe] adj saf.er ; saf.est [ME sauf, fr. OF, fr. L salvus safe, healthy; akin to L solidus solid, Gk holos whole, safe, Skt sarva entire] (14c) 1: free from harm or risk: unhurt
2. a: secure from threat of danger, harm, or loss b: successful at getting to a base in baseball without being put out
3: affording safety or security from danger, risk, or difficulty
4. obs, of mental or moral faculties: healthy, sound
5. a: not threatening danger: harmless b: unlikely to produce controversy or contradiction
6. a: not likely to take risks: cautious b: trustworthy, reliable -- safe or safe.ly adv -- safe.ness n
[2]safe n (15c) 1: a place or receptacle to keep articles (as valuables) safe
2: condom