Meaning of SAFE in English

adj. & n.


1. a free of danger or injury. b (often foll. by from) out of or not exposed to danger (safe from their enemies).

2 affording security or not involving danger or risk (put it in a safe place).

3 reliable, certain; that can be reckoned on (a safe catch; a safe method; is safe to win).

4 prevented from escaping or doing harm (have got him safe).

5 (also safe and sound) uninjured; with no harm done.

6 cautious and unenterprising; consistently moderate.


1. a strong lockable cabinet etc. for valuables.

2 meat safe.

Phrases and idioms:

on the safe side with a margin of security against risks. safe bet a bet that is certain to succeed. safe-breaker (or -blower or -cracker) a person who breaks open and robs safes. safe conduct

1. a privilege of immunity from arrest or harm, esp. on a particular occasion.

2 a document securing this. safe deposit a building containing strongrooms and safes let separately. safe house a place of refuge or rendezvous for spies etc. safe keeping preservation in a safe place. safe light Photog. a filtered light for use in a darkroom. safe period the time during and near the menstrual period when conception is least likely. safe seat a seat in Parliament etc. that is usually won with a large margin by a particular party. safe sex sexual activity in which precautions are taken to reduce the risk of spreading sexually transmitted diseases, esp. Aids.


safely adv. safeness n.

Etymology: ME f. AF saf, OF sauf f. L salvus uninjured: (n.) orig. save f. SAVE(1)

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.